© Matt Davies But where are the rats?
Vermont becomes the first state to take the first step toward single-payer health insurance for all. If all goes as planned, the state will adopt single-payer by 2017. Not only will the plan save money, but it will eliminate the need for employers to provide health insurance to their workers, creating jobs. And even more […]
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© John Darkow Senate Republicans had to put up or shut up as Democrats brought the Republican budget proposal to the floor for a vote. The measure was defeated, but five Republicans voted against it — four because the proposed changes to Medicare went too far, and one because it didn’t go far enough. Expect […]
© Mike Luckovich Republicans used the deficit as an excuse to cut Medicare, but according to the CBO their changes won’t actually reduce the deficit, and will make Medicare more expensive with worse benefits. Who came up with this crazy idea?
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© Chan Lowe The GOP scheme to cynically appeal to their older base by preserving Medicare for anyone over the age of 55 — while simultaneously screwing anyone younger than that — seems to have backfired.
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Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Even Stephen Colbert falls out of character and cracks up laughing: Colbert followed up by tweeting more statements not intended to be factual: Jon Kyl actually prefers Hydrox to Oreos. #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement Jon Kyl = ax2 + bx + c #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement Jon Kyl developed his own line of hair care products just so he could test […]
When my mother became senile and we took over her finances, we discovered that she had been repeatedly conned by companies whose sole business seemed to be preying on the weaknesses of seniors. One company was pulling money directly out of her checking account for “magazine subscriptions” that were more expensive than if she were […]
The latest showdown between Obama and the Republicans was over an extremely small amount of funding for Planned Parenthood. The Republicans couldn’t help turning it into a red meat issue, screaming that they didn’t want the government paying for abortions. This was, of course, complete and utter nonsense. The government is already prohibited from paying […]
© Barry Deutsch A dear friend of mine died from cancer yesterday, but his equally awful battle with his health insurance reminded me of how screwed up our health care system really is. Pretty much everyone I know has either had a bad experience with their health insurance provider, or has a friend or family […]
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The way Republicans talk about it, you’d think health care reform was the black plague. © Tom Toles I’m noticing a new tactic, however. Instead of trying to repeal health care reform outright, they instead are trying to eliminate the individual mandate. What they don’t tell you is that without universal health insurance, costs will […]
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Friday, February 18, 2011
© Matt Davies So, who is going to blink first at the 500 billion ton twin gorillas that are military spending and entitlements? I guess the only thing that we can be sure of is if the Democrats do anything at all (which is sadly unlikely), the Republicans will attack them for it, no matter […]
© Clay Bennett One day, maybe soon, we will look back at our health care system before reform like we look back at the dark ages.
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© Mike Luckovich The new Republican-controlled House voted to repeal Obama’s Health Care Reform act. But they didn’t propose anything to replace it, and even some conservative Republicans think the effort is more about posturing than about actually doing something. So what’s next? While most Americans want some action on the economy, the Republicans have […]
And how can it be so cheap? Because your tax dollars are already paying for it.
© Nick Anderson Every complaint the Republicans have about the current Health Care Reform bill was even more true of the prescription drug benefit they rammed through Congress in 2003 (which was really a huge giveaway to the drug companies). I guess the real problem is that they can’t take credit for this one.