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Tag Archives: Health

Repeal AND Replace?

During the 2010 election, Republicans promised to not just repeal the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare), but to replace it with with some fairly specific things: allowing insurance companies to sell health insurance across state lines (increasing competition), tort reform (reducing malpractice insurance costs for doctors), and expanding health savings accounts (shielding money spent on health […]


Any Difference That Makes No Difference…

© Jerry Holbert Everybody knows that taxes are things that only Democrats do! If a Republican does it, then it must be a penalty.


Buying Justice?

You may not be able to buy justice, but you can buy a few justices. One of the things overlooked in most of the reporting about the Supreme Court’s decision on ObamaCare is that the lead plantiff (and sole source of legal funds) in the case was the National Federation for Independent Businesses (NFIB), which […]


Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

© Ruben Bolling If the four conservative Supreme Court justices had their way, I think this would have been the largest abuse of “Judicial Activism” in the history of the world! Or at least since the Citizen’s United decision.


When is a Tax Not a Tax?

When it is created by Mitt Romney of course. On Monday, Romney spokesperson Eric Fehrnstrom said that Romney did not agree with the Supreme Court ruling that the individual mandate was constitutional because of the government’s right to create taxes. “The governor believes that what we put in place in Massachusetts was a penalty, and […]


The New Health Care Unreality Reality

© Tom Tomorrow The debate around ObamaCare it getting stranger and stranger. Yesterday, a Republican running for Congress in New York declared that he is against health care reform because Americans “don’t die from prostate cancer, breast cancer” anymore. Over 28,000 men will die from prostate cancer this year alone, and 40,000 women will die […]


Why Roberts Switched

© Robert Ariail One surprise around the Supreme Court decision upholding ObamaCare is that it was Chief Justice John Roberts who cast the deciding vote, siding with the Liberals on the court instead of the Conservatives. Ironically, the reason he did this is a severe indictment of the conservatives, not just on the Supreme Court, […]


Be Afraid

“A government with the power to force us to buy health insurance can also force restaurants to serve black people.” – Bruce Bartlett on his Facebook page.


Ghost of ObamaCare

© Mike Luckovich After the Supreme Court upheld the individual mandate, Romney repeated his plan to repeal ObamaCare and replace it with something else. Ironically, everything he proposed for his replacement plan were things that are already in ObamaCare. There’s just one teeny thing he left out — the individual mandate! Never mind that Romney […]


Flip-Flop at the Speed of Light

Mitt Romney is now comfortable contradicting himself in the same statement. Today, after the Supreme Court ruling on the ACA (ObamaCare), Romney said: Obamacare raises taxes on the American people by approximately $500 billion. Obamacare cuts Medicare — cuts Medicare by approximately $500 billion. And even with those cuts and tax increases, Obamacare adds trillions […]


The Twisted History of Health Care Reform

One of my favorite sites, has a good history of Health Care reform in the US, which they printed before the Supreme Court decision was announced. Here’s an extended quote: President Harry Truman tried and failed in 1945. President Lyndon Johnson, the master of the Senate, twisted enough arms and other body parts to […]


To Your Health!

I am very happy that the Supreme Court upheld the ACA (ObamaCare). Although it was a close decision (5-4, with the conservatives wanting to overturn the entire law, not just the individual mandate). Interestingly, the swing vote in this case was Chief Justice John Roberts, not Anthony Kennedy (who typically plays that role). Ironically, even […]


Dear Supreme Court

Jen Sorensen, the genius behind the Slowpoke comic, recently created a series of comics for Kaiser Health News. You should go view them here, but in case you need some incentive, here’s the first one: © Jen Sorensen Her experience mirrors mine (with the exception of the birth control pill part), when I was working […]


Lies that Mitt Romney Tells

Now that Rick Santorum has officially suspended his campaign, the only things in the way of Mitt Romney are Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich. In other words, we now know who the Republican candidate for president will be. So I guess it is time to start examining the record of Mittens in earnest. We all […]


Winning the battle but losing the war?

While the Republicans seem to throw all their energy into winning political battles, they have a very short attention span when it comes to actually governing. Their emphasis is on tactics, not on strategy. So while they somehow managed to win the 2010 midterm elections, they fumbled the ball after that. And overturning health care […]
