The Saturday Night Live cold open last night featured a famous actor playing Dr. Anthony Fauci, Donald Trump’s (soon to be ex-) director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. What you may not know is that a few weeks ago, Fauci was asked by a reporter who he would want to play […]
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Sometimes I think we fail to realize how absolutely insane our health care system truly is. This comic by Sarah Mirk imagines what it would be like if all public services in the US worked like our healthcare system. I am perfectly happy to not insist on “Medicare for All” immediately, as long as we […]
Sunday, September 16, 2018
The Republicans have never tried to hide the fact that they are doing everything they can to sabotage the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Their hysterical campaign has included a barrage of frivolous lawsuits, purposely driving insurance firms out of markets, withholding reimbursements that were promised by the law, and rendering the individual mandate toothless. And […]
Some people have started to notice something interesting. All attention was focused on John McCain as he made a dramatic return to the Senate after being diagnosed with cancer, giving a speech that received a standing ovation, and then voting against the Obamacare repeal. Ironically, there was another senator who was also recently diagnosed with […]
Late last night, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell introduced a bill that nobody had read (or even seen before). Then he brought the bill up for a vote this morning at 1am. Seriously. I’ll probably be using that word a few times in this rant. But it gets even crazier. Nobody liked this law. It […]
[reprinted from The Onion] Senator Struggling To Weigh Interests Of Entire Constituency Against Nothing WASHINGTON—As legislators gathered Tuesday for a critical vote that would go a long way toward finally repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) was reportedly struggling to weigh the interests of her entire constituency against absolutely […]
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© Tom Tomorrow The Republicans keep claiming that the Obamacare exchanges are collapsing. I guess they think that if they repeat it often enough, it will be true. There are just TWO problems with this. As I and many others have pointed out, if the health insurance exchanges are failing, then the Republicans should fix […]
© Tom Tomorrow The Republican health care bill is wildly unpopular with Americans. There have been two recent polls: in one 16% approve to 58% disapprove. The other shows only 12% approve, while 53% of Americans want the Republicans to either leave Obamacare alone or fix any problems it might have. So if Trump repeals […]
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[This was posted to Facebook yesterday by Barack Obama.] Our politics are divided. They have been for a long time. And while I know that division makes it difficult to listen to Americans with whom we disagree, that’s what we need to do today. I recognize that repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act has […]
© Brian Mcfadden With all the scandals swirling around Donald Trump, did anyone notice that the Senate is again attempting to repeal Obamacare? And speaking of Trump and Republican efforts to erase everything that Obama accomplished, Trump also rolled back Obama’s changes to the relationship between the US and Cuba, making it harder for US […]
© Mike Judge A while ago I noticed that the Republicans had slightly changed their language. They started promising that health insurance premiums would go down. What they didn’t say was that they would make that happen by doing two things: kick sick people off of insurance (so the healthy people could pay less) and […]
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© Jen Sorensen I love the phrase “Trickle Down Healthcare”. Can we make this a meme? Cartoonist Jen Sorensen comments on her own comic: The AHCA is so monstrously cruel any honest description sounds hyperbolic. Not only will it literally kill people, but it’ll kill entrepreneurship too, as workers stay locked in their jobs for […]
The AHCA is yet another triumph of politics over policy, but maybe we can laugh about it: To show how out of touch with reality some Republicans are, Congressman Raul Labrador (R-ID) defended his vote on the GOP health care bill by declaring “Nobody dies because they don’t have access to health care.” Watch it:
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This blog recently posted about Jimmy Kimmel and the near-death of his newborn son. Kimmel made the point that nobody should be put in the position of having to decide if they can afford to save their child, and scolds Trump and the Republicans for being heartless. Well, conservative Jonah Goldberg decided to respond to […]
Are we Making America Great Again? Yesterday was a day for noisy but ultimately meaningless gestures from Republicans. The GOP controlled House passed their bill to destroy Obamacare, but that bill won’t even get a vote in the Senate. In the end, the only actual result from the House vote might be making it easier […]