Jon Stewart and John Oliver have a brilliant take on the military “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, including John McCain’s complete flip-flop on the issue: And Stephen Colbert also weighs in hilariously:
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
© Matt Bors I love this comic in so many different ways — especially how it mashes up the issues of corporate personhood and gay marriage. And as crazy as this comic sounds, our current political situation is even more insane.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Conservative Ted Olson makes a strong case for why gays should be allowed to marry, and he does a better and more eloquent job of it than many liberals. He and David Boies are arguing the case in federal court that is attempting to overturn California’s Proposition 8. While acknowledging that many conservatives are strongly […]
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Tuesday, December 1, 2009
What’s the number one threat to marriage? Gays? Hah! Clearly, the biggest threat by far to marriage is divorce. In the USA, 48% of all marriages end in divorce. Not to mention the terrible things that divorce does to children. So if you really want to save marriage (and unless you hate families) the solution […]
The current situation where some states allow gay marriage, and some states (vigorously) don’t is causing some interesting problems. Take the case of two men who were legally married in Massachusetts, but then moved to Texas, and now they have decided to split up. The only wrinkle is that Texas won’t allow them to divorce. […]
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Thursday, October 15, 2009
More fun on their website.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Here is a video making the rounds of the innertubes called “Why Homosexuality Should Be Banned”: Yes, of course it is being sarcastic — the clear intent is to make fun of arguments against gay rights. But what’s really ironic are the comments — there are over 12 thousand of them already on YouTube — […]
Friday, September 11, 2009
A church group (who also have a website “Would Jesus Discriminate?“) has put up four billboards along a freeway in north Texas that quote the Bible in support of gay rights. Here’s one of them: You can see more of them here and also here. But what made me laugh was this story in the […]
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The man who donated the original money to put the proposition that banned same-sex marriage on the ballot in California is now involved in a very messy divorce to his wife of 43 years. At the time he donated the money ($125,000) to gather the signatures for Proposition 8, Doug Manchester said “my Catholic faith […]
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On Saturday, RNC Chair Michael Steele decided that the way to make the GOP more gay-friendly was to recast their stance on marriage to a simple question of economics (and not civil rights). Steele claims that recognizing gay marriage could put a dent in the pocketbooks of small businesses as they are forced to provide […]
There’s a giant gay storm gathering, and before long the winds will be blowing each other.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Homophobes Just Jealous of “Fabulous” Gay Weddings It is obvious that many people who oppose same sex marriage are simply afraid they won’t be invited to any of the fabulous weddings that will transpire. Just admit it; everyone knows that once same sex marriage becomes legal, no one will be want to be bothered with […]
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