Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Scott Arnold, an adjunct professor of writing at William Penn University in Iowa, wanted to know how Newt Gingrich would represent him as president, so he went to one of Gingrich’s campaign events at the Smokey Row coffee house in Oskaloosa. Arnold says he had an open mind, but Gingrich’s response surprised him. Gingrich told […]
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Thursday, December 8, 2011
Presidential candidate Rick Perry released a campaign ad that starts “I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m a Christian, but you don’t need to be in the pew every Sunday to know there’s something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can’t openly celebrate Christmas or pray […]
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Conan O’Brien (perhaps unintentionally) exposes the vacuous echo chamber that is the mainstream media:
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Jon Stewart on the repeal of DADT:
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Jon Stewart asks, now that Obama is not defending the Defense of Marriage Act, why is he still enforcing it? Meanwhile, Rick Santorum puts his foot firmly in his mouth trying to defend DOMA.
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© Lee Judge I guess the only freedom that matters to some people is the freedom to consume. UPDATE: And no, the government did not ban incandescent light bulbs.
After New York became the latest — and most populous — state to legalize gay marriage, there were jubilant celebrations with parades, parties, and general taking of the name “gay” seriously. But has anyone noticed that the reaction from conservatives? You could be excused if you haven’t. For example, David Frum (a former speechwriter for […]
UPDATE: the local Catholic Church is not very happy. They are blaming the gay rights movement on “totalitarian government” and “the dictatorship of relativism”. My favorite line from the article: “Like most out-of-place reactionaries trying to control a modern, democratic world, [Archbishop Timothy] Dolan must stretch the common definition of words to such an extent […]
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A huge fight is happening in New York State over a bill legalizing gay marriage, introduced by Governor Cuomo on Tuesday. Leading the opposition is Catholic Archbishop Timothy Dolan, who equated the bill (without irony) to life in China or North Korea, where “government presumes daily to ‘redefine’ rights, relationships, values and natural law. Please, […]
House Speaker John Boehner is a fierce critic of government spending, but that didn’t stop him from improperly spending half a million dollars of money on an outside law firm to defend DOMA — the defense of marriage act. According to the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), Boehner violated the […]
Consider long-time anti-gay activist Louis Marinelli. Last year he was the person behind the Summer for Marriage Tour sponsored by the National Organization for Marriage, literally driving the bus for a series of protests against gay marriage. But sometime during the tour, Marinelli actually started talking to some of the gay people he was supposed […]
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Right now, the biggest issue for voters is the economy, and recent polls have shown that voters are becoming increasingly in favor of allowing gays to marry. But that doesn’t matter in Iowa, which seems to have gotten stuck in the politics of the last century. The Iowa caucuses are the first test of the […]
© August J. Pollak Pena also said that if Riddle’s bill passes without the exception “With things as they are today, her bill will see a large segment of the Texas population in prison.” A spokesperson for Riddle claims that the exception was to avoid “stifling the economic engine” in Texas. Have these people become […]
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
© Ted Rall I’m not entirely sure the point that Rall is trying to make, but this comic is hilarious nonetheless.
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