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Tag Archives: Elections

Wake The Fuck Up!

You gotta love Samuel L Jackson.


Bribery by Any Other Name

Some of us have been guessing that the reason Sheldon Adelson is giving so much money (around $100 million) to Romney’s campaign is to buy his way out of criminal charges that he might face under an Obama administration. Well, we don’t have to guess any more. In a new interview with Politico, Adelson candidly […]


R U Paying Attention Now?

© Dan Wasserman Maybe what we need are better referees for the “job creators”? For over a day now, the top story on many news sites has been outrage over bad calls made by substitute referees during an NFL game. It is ironic that this situation mirrors our upcoming election. UPDATE: Ezra Klein on “low […]


Why Romney Is Losing and Why He Still Might Win

Robert Reich has two interesting new articles in his blog that you should read. The first one is an analysis of why Romney is losing the election. The conservatives are already trying to spin this as Romney’s fault. He is a bad politician running a poor campaign, and most of all, he isn’t conservative enough. […]


Not Safe for Work, But Safe for Life

Sarah Silverman on Voter Suppression Laws. Caution, contains quite a few obscenities.


Do as I say, not as I do

© Mike Stanfill After Citizens United opened the floodgates for political money, will Romney’s presidential campaign go down in history as proving that you can’t buy any election just by throwing unlimited amounts of money at it? UPDATE: The Wall Street Journal has an article “Super PAC Influence Falls Short of Aims“. Their conclusion is […]


Who gets to decide the future of our country?

Saturday Night Live asks a very important question, and they want answers!


The Taker Class

The media has been abuzz with the story of the leaked video of Romney at a fundraiser, writing off 47% of the US population as tax-dodging, government-dependent parasites whom he has no chance of convincing to not vote for Obama. I have to say that originally I found the story a bit silly. I felt […]


Is it just me?

Or is everyone starting to tune out of the upcoming election? Yes, I’ll almost certainly watch the first debate, and if it is worthwhile, I might even watch the rest of them too. And I will definitely vote. I always do. Not only is this the most costly presidential election in our history (total spending […]


Indecisively Decisive

© David Horsey So let’s add this up. Polls say that around 98% of Americans have already decided whether they are going to vote for Barack Obama or Mitt Romney. But the more important number is actually smaller, since we only care about likely voters (people who are probably going to vote). So at most […]



© Tom Tomorrow Mitt Romney and his campaign staff (whom the NY Daily News calls a band of clowns) don’t seem to know when to shut up. And Liz Cheney tries to blast Barack Obama, but ends up shooting herself in the foot (at least it wasn’t the face like her dad): We’ve now had […]


How the Conservative Mind Works?

No wonder conservatives don’t believe in evolution. The annual Values Voter Summit gives an interesting view into how the conservative mind works, or in some cases doesn’t. People there are worried that Mitt Romney is losing the election. Well, duh. But of course they think that the problem is that he isn’t conservative enough. A […]


The Will to Win

Apparently Paul Ryan is so confident of becoming the next vice president that he has decided to start running ads tomorrow for his re-election to Congress. He’s not alone in his doubts. Other Republicans are starting to give pointed advice to Romney, fearing that he is on the road to losing the election. The biggest […]


Alternate Reality

Buried in the crosstabs of a recent poll in Ohio is the interesting tidbit that when asked the question “Who do you think deserves more credit for the killing of Osama bin Laden: Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?” only 38% of Republicans responded “Barack Obama”. Almost half — 47% — were not sure, and unbelievably […]


Secretary of Explaining Stuff?

While out campaigning this week, Obama made repeated references to the outstanding speech given by Bill Clinton at the Democratic convention. My favorite thing Obama said about Clinton: Somebody e-mailed me after his speech — they said, you need to appoint him secretary of explaining stuff … That was pretty good. I like that … […]
