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Tag Archives: Elections

Moral Arithmetic

© Jen Sorensen Jen Sorensen’s comments about her comic: I find that people who spew the platitude that “the candidates are the same” tend to be the ones who have the least to lose if the wrong candidate is elected. At risk of sounding melodramatic, these elections truly are a matter of life and death. […]


Real Election Fraud

There is damn strong evidence that votes are being stolen in this country. What’s ironic is that there is a simple solution — require all electronic voting machines to have a verifiable paper trail. If ATMs do it, then voting machines can do it. But I fear that the only way this will happen is […]


The Candidate for the Zombie Apocalypse

Josh Whedon (creator of Buffy, Firefly, The Avengers, etc.) talks about why Mitt Romney is the candidate who will put the US on the path to the Zombie Apocalypse:



© Jen Sorensen The one thing I haven’t figured out is why they call these things debates. They are more like improv theater.


Rant ON

I know the season of prevarication is going on longer that most people can stand, but if you want a straight-talking rant, Helen and Margaret are on a roll. They’ve had six delicious posts this month. The first one started out like this: Well Margaret, once again I am going to say what the media […]


What Republicans Say About Romney

The big question on election day is whether you can buy any election with lots of money. If you can, then we’re doomed.


The Last Debate is Over!

© Tom Tomorrow I voted tonight, so it is definitely over for me. Thank goodness.


Binders of Senators

Before the debate tonight, Senator John Kerry, who played the role of Mitt Romney in debate practice with Barack Obama, discussed how he had changed his strategy after the first debate, saying “I was chosen from binders of senators and I learned my job well enough that when I went home my dog was growling […]


Who do you believe – Mitt, or your lyin’ memory?

One of my heroes, Roger Ebert, has written a must-read rant in his online journal. It is short, so I’ll repeat it in its entirety, but you should visit his site to read the comments. A depression has descended upon me. I look at the blank screen, and those are the words that come into […]


Republican Reality

PolitiFact is widely acknowledged as non-partisan, and to many people even a bit conservative. Even so, it should come as a surprise to nobody that their truthfulness ratings for the presidential candidates are pretty dramatically skewed: That’s right, the Republicans lead in “Pants on Fire” lies, False, and Mostly False, while the Democrats lead in […]


Binders Empty

© Adam Zyglis Not to mention Romney’s previous tax returns.


Gridlock is the Good News?

I’ve heard people say a few times that if Barack Obama is reelected that there will be nothing but gridlock with the Republican House. The implication is that electing Mitt Romney would allow more stuff to get done. But one of my favorite websites, Electoral-Vote, has an interesting analysis of that situation. It is only […]


The Science of Indecision

© Brian McFadden I used to be indecisive, but now I’m not so sure.


Vague Against the Machine!

Jon Stewart brilliantly points out that Mitt Romney hangs himself with his own words: Sorry about having three videos, but all three are must sees (and they are relatively short).


Turn to the Right?

© Tom Toles Did the first presidential debate really change things that dramatically? Or is the media jumping on this in order to keep the horse race close and attract election-weary viewers? Did Joe Biden’s debate performance stop the Democratic freak out? Or at least slow it down?
