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Tag Archives: Elections

Being Republican Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry

Florida’s Republican Secretary of State Rick Detzner cut the number of early voting days from 14 to 8, in a fairly blatant attempt to reduce turnout for Democrats. Former Republican governor Charlie Crist said “the only thing that makes any sense as to why this is happening and being done is voter suppression.” Even former […]


Amend 2012!

There were a number of ballot measures in the recent election that asked people if they wanted to see the Citizens United Supreme Court decision overturned. And the results are that over seven million people said that corporations are not people and money is not free speech. The state of Montana passed initiative I-166 with […]


No Wonder Republicans Want to Cut Funding for Education

What makes this even more ironic is that it is based on data from Fox Business. According to that same data, states that voted for Mitt Romney not only have fewer people with college degrees, they have lower median household incomes and more people below the poverty line.



© Jim Morin I hope that people don’t forget about reversing the Citizens United decision just because Obama won the election despite overwhelming corporate spending to defeat him. As Jen Sorensen put it: Yes, we beat the Koch Brothers and Adelson and corporate dark money this time. But really, this race should not have been […]


Summing up the Future

I really like Jon Stewart’s summary of the election and what it should mean for the future, but I fear that Stephen Colbert’s parody of what the Republican reaction will look like may be more accurate:


Voting Slavishly?

I found this image on Facebook. I’m not sure if it is valid. First of all, the Washington Territory wasn’t created until 1853, and yet this says the map is from 1846. And the Civil War itself didn’t start until 1861. So this is not a “Civil War Map” and it sure isn’t from 1846. […]


The Vanishing WASP

One of the few interesting things I heard while watching election coverage last night was the observation that this was the first presidential election in our country’s history where none of the main contenders for president and vice-president were white protestants. Obama is the only protestant, but is not white. Romney is white, but a […]


No Banana

© Tom Toles And the best news was that it was over relatively quickly.


Election Highlights

A few months ago, everyone predicted the GOP would win a majority in the Senate. Instead, the unthinkable happened and Dems actually gained in the Senate. They also gained around ten seats in the House. Gay marriage has been on various state ballots 33 times, and always lost. Until now. Last night four states approved […]


Un-True the Vote

The conservative organization “True the Vote” was trying to place election observers at precincts in central Ohio, mainly “focusing on African American districts”. But the local election board discovered that they had forged the candidate signatures that are required to allow observers to gain access to polling stations. One election board member said he was […]


Who Won The Election

Ok, so you want to know who wins the election, but you don’t want to be glued to the media all day. Here’s your guide to the important events that will determine the outcome. The only problem I see is that they give only closing time for the polls. In some states, it could take […]


Checks and Balances

© Bob Gorrell Not only should you be sure to vote, but you should encourage your friends and family to vote.


Election Perspectives

One of my favorite sites,, has two posts that provide some perspective on the election. In the first one, it seems like some conservatives (including the editor of Red State and none other than Karl Rove) have apparently seen the writing on the wall and are not waiting to make excuses for Romney’s loss […]


Ultimate Celebrity Endorsement

Pee Wee Herman gives his endorsement for president. No spoilers here — you’ll just have to read it to find out whom he endorses. But I will reveal his reasoning. The person he endorses is like “delicious frozen custard” and “has the 1.4 percent egg yolk solids needed to run this country.” Of course, “if […]


How long can Romney get away with blatant lying?

He might just have reached the limit:
