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Tag Archives: Elections

The Irony of Congress

© Steve Kelley I keep seeing headlines that the approval of Congress is at an all time low. And yet the last time it was at an all time low we kicked out a bunch of them and elected Tea Party candidates, and things got worse. Far worse. What’s a voter to do? Answer: the […]


Love, Actually

A hilarious factoid in The Economist from a poll of married couples, asking whether both spouses always voted the same way. 73% of the married men said yes. “The wives’ response? Just 49% said yes.” Also interesting is that unmarried women, who accounted for nearly a quarter of all votes cast in the 2012 presidential […]


More than Three Strikes

I’ll believe that corporations are people when “three strikes” laws are enforced against them. Because Diebold, the world’s largest maker of banking ATMs and for years one of the largest manufacturers of electronic voting systems, would have enough strikes against them to be locked up for life. The latest charges against them are for bribery […]


The Answer to Gridlock

Who knew that there is actually something that you can do to help fix political gridlock! Three years ago, California was teased as a “failed state”. The state was nearly bankrupt, infrastructure was crumbling, and the government was completely gridlocked. But as I reported a month ago, nobody is teasing California any more. Their economy […]


Candigato Morris

A reader in Mexico sends me news that a cat is running for mayor of Xalapa, the capital of the Mexican state of Veracruz. Candigato (“gato” is Spanish for cat) Morris promises to rid the city of rats, including the human kind. Candigato Morris is running a modern campaign, including a Facebook page. Judging by […]


Jeb Bush in 2016?

“He’d be a marvelous candidate if he chooses to do so. He doesn’t need my counsel ’cause he knows what it is, which is ‘run’. … He’d be a great candidate and a great president.” – George W. Bush “There are a lot of great families, and it’s not just four families or whatever. There […]


Actual Voter Fraud!

The vast majority of what has been reported as “voter fraud” has actually been voter registration fraud. For example, the supposed “voter fraud” cases that were used to destroy ACORN were actually cases where people who were paid to register voters submitted extra registrations in order to get paid more, and almost certainly resulted in […]


Next Steps

© Matt Bors Obama may have won the election, but that is not the end of the story. We have to keep up the pressure on all our politicians — not just Obama but Congress too — to do the right thing. For example, right now a strong majority of Americans want the Bush tax […]


The Signal and the Noise

Public interview with Nate Silver at Google: It’s long, but even just watching the first part is interesting.


Romney’s 47%

It takes a while for the final final vote totals to be calculated, what with people in the military sending in ballots from overseas, etc. So even though it has been a few weeks, we are just now getting a relatively authoritative vote count for the presidential election. Ironically, it looks like Mitt Romney is […]


Post Election Porn

© Keef Knight As far as guilty pleasures go, it’s a pretty good one.



I had to think about this post for a while. Part of me wanted to post it because I work with computers for a living. Part of me wanted to post it because I’m friends with some of the people who wrote the original Obama campaign mobile application back in 2008 (which was very successful). […]


Animals in the Zoo

[Our favorite senior citizens Margaret and Helen had this post on their blog two days after the election.] Margaret, I ventured into new territory today. I tuned into Fox News. It was kind of like going to the zoo… not so scary once you learn the animals can’t get out of their cages. Just like […]



The popularity of statisticians and other wonk during the election means that people are noticing — and reporting on — interesting facts. Everyone knows that the Democrats held the presidency and the Senate, but still are a minority in the House. But the numbers tell an interesting story: Democratic candidates for the House received slightly […]


These People Vote

Interviews with Romney supporters at a rally in Defiance, Ohio: Because these people live in Ohio, their votes were expected to be some of the most important in deciding the election. Scary.
