Saturday, September 25, 2010
In the wake of the Supreme Court decision allowing corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money on political races, we are indeed seeing a huge upsurge in the amount of money being spent by third parties for the upcoming election. The NY Times has a couple of maps that show where the money is being […]
Monday, September 20, 2010
© Tom Toles More and more I’m feeling like this. I mean, when I lived overseas and our government did stupid things like the Viet Nam war, people would console me by saying that the American people were good, it was just our government. But now it seems like we finally elected a president who […]
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Friday, September 17, 2010
The Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery. So you can’t masturbate without lust. – Christine O’Donnell, Tea Party, and now Republican candidate for the Senate, and founder of an organization opposed to masturbation. Wouldn’t this Jimmy Kimmel routine be funnier if it were Karl Rove doing the masturbating? Then, when he […]
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Monday, September 6, 2010
[reprinted from Margaret and Helen] 100 Grand Bore Margaret please tell Howard that 100,000 people will show up to a tractor pull if the entry fee is cheap enough. Big deal. I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I’m going to ignore them and have some pie. As I see it dear, if more […]
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The story of Alvin Greene just keeps getting weirder. As you (might) recall, Greene won the Democratic primary for senator in South Carolina, despite running the stealthiest stealth mode campaign in history, and having no money, no political experience, and an outstanding felony charge. But the newest twist comes from an interview in The Guardian […]
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© Ed Stein Building on their earlier decision that money is speech and corporations are people (actually giving corporations more free speech rights than real people), the Supreme Court has now blocked a provision of the Arizona campaign financing system that provided matching funds to candidates who agreed to not accept large private donations. Or […]
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I’ve been watching this story for a while now, and it just keeps getting weirder and weirder. I’m not really sure what to make of it. Of course it comes from South Carolina, the state that pretty much invented weirdness in politics — from the infamous smear campaign against McCain in 2000, to introducing the […]
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A tidbit in Electoral-Vote yesterday had me laughing: Special Election for Murtha’s Seat Today When Rep. John Murtha died earlier this year, that triggered a special election for his seat that will be held today. PA-12 is a swing district (R+1) and is the only district in the country that voted for both John Kerry […]
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Electoral Vote has an interesting post about how all of the people that the Democrats got appointed to the Senate are now turning into problems for them. At the start of 2010, the Democrats had five appointees in the Senate, and every one of them is a problem. But what’s really ironic about this is […]
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Three new studies from Tufts University show that we can generally identify people as either Republican or Democrat simply by looking at photos of their faces! Subjects were able to identify the political party of US Senate candidates from previous elections based on black and white photos of their faces. But even more amazing, subjects […]
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Monday, December 22, 2008
If this is any indication, we care more about our vices than our rights.
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