Tuesday, November 2, 2010
I thought singing and dancing ads went out in the 70s: A lame attempt to do a satire on the “I’m on a horse” Old Spice ad: Dale Peterson became an internet sensation with his rifle-over-the-shoulder campaign ads: But Pamela Gorman shows she can fire automatic weapons with a smile: Chuck DeVore attempts to win […]
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Tuesday, November 2, 2010
© Keith Tucker Tucker adds: Vote with your brain, not with your emotions!
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Saturday, October 30, 2010
In the fine tradition of recent Washington rallies, Jon Stewart just estimated the crowd at 10 million people. He added that demographically and ethnically, the crowd exactly mirrors the population of the US — 74% white, 14% black, and the rest other. [I’m conducting an experiment — if we repeat the 10 million figure often […]
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Saturday, October 30, 2010
A new poll finds that by an astounding two-to-one margin, likely voters in next week’s election think that federal taxes have gone up, believe the economy has shrunk, and are under the distinct impression that the money lent to banks as part of the TARP program won’t be recovered. The truth is that Obama cut […]
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Are you behind on your election related internet memes? No problem! Michael Gibson has compiled a list of the (how apropos) 13 craziest moments from the upcoming election. Of course, since the election hasn’t happened yet, his list may yet be too short. Top of his list is Jimmy McMillan of “The Rent is Too […]
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010
[Thanks, Ezra Klein] What’s doubly ironic about this is that it is a positive ad. And yet oh so devastating.
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Three Republican candidates — Meg Whitman, Rick Scott, and Linda McMahon — have collectively spent $243 million dollars of their own money on their campaigns. Yes, almost a quarter of a billion dollars. That’s more than the combined spending during this election of the US Chamber of Commerce, Karl Rove’s American Crossroads, and major union […]
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010
[I’m reposting this from the ever-brilliant Margaret and Helen.] Margaret, the problem with Populism is that the population includes asses like Sarah Palin and her Tea Party. Someone needs to remind them that this is America. The government is elected by the people. Questioning your government is patriotic. Hating your government, one the other hand, […]
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
© Don Wright 1. Republicans give tax breaks for sending US jobs overseas. 2. Overseas companies give money to the US Chamber of Commerce. 3. USCC spends hundreds of millions of dollars on Republican candidates. 4. Profit! See also the announcement for RepubliCorp.
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010
© Gary Varvel Between voting machine irregularities and the flood of corporate money buying negative ads, it is tough being a voter this year. Will it ever get better?
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© Jen Sorensen Are the voters really this fickle, or are we just more susceptible to propaganda than we would like to admit (like, are Fox News/Glenn Beck/Rush Limbaugh now in charge)? Whatever it is, I’m depressed about the future of our country.
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The District of Columbia created an electronic system to make it easier for overseas and military voters to cast ballots over the Internet. I want to point out that this is not some complicated electronic voting system, it is very simple: The voter goes to a website and they get a PDF file of the […]
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Thursday, October 7, 2010
I have nothing but respect for the “chamber of commerce” — the thousands of local organizations that help small businesses and consumers, but most people don’t realize that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (USCC) is completely different. The USCC has become a blatantly partisan organization, running the largest campaign against Democrats in the upcoming election: […]
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