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Tag Archives: Elections

Testing the Water

© Jimmy Margulies Or as Palin puts it, she is “weighing a run” — anchors a-weigh! A former Palin insider explains why she runs. UPDATE: Sarah Palin gets basic civics information terribly wrong. One gets the feeling that she and reality are not good friends. Did she quit social studies class in school half way […]


Pied Political Piper

© Matt Davies But where are the rats?


Entitled Entitlements

© John Darkow Senate Republicans had to put up or shut up as Democrats brought the Republican budget proposal to the floor for a vote. The measure was defeated, but five Republicans voted against it — four because the proposed changes to Medicare went too far, and one because it didn’t go far enough. Expect […]


Lessons Learned the Hard Way

Tuesday there was a special election in New York to fill the seat of Representative Christopher Lee, who resigned after posting compromising photographs of himself on the web. The district is heavily Republican (+6), and yet the Democratic candidate came from behind and won. How did that happen? Some people will claim that it was […]


Avoid the Rush

© Jack Ohman Will the last man standing be Michelle Bachmann?


Sarah’s too Cool

© Clay Bennett Hopefully, Sarah Palin will have the sense to play the kingmaker role rather than running. Even with the dearth of viable Republican candidates, I think everyone knows it would only get worse if she ran. UPDATE: A sign that Palin still thinks she has a chance? She has made a feature-length movie […]


Do Unto Others…

© Jack Ohman It is pretty bad when you make a statement that is reasonable and accurate, but every single Republican leader attacks you for it, and then they declare your presidential campaign over. Maybe it is karma.


Politics as Drama

John Lithgow does a dramatic reading of the latest press release from Newt Gingrich:


Gaming the Party of No

Republicans have made it clear that they will be opposed to anything and anyone supported by Obama and the Democrats, even if they were previously in favor of that thing. But the New York Times has an interesting report on how the Democrats are causing this to backfire. The strategy is simple — heap praise […]


Republicans: Resistance is Futile

In the last few days, a few Republican presidential candidates have broken with party orthodoxy in order to state what would seem to be obvious truths. For example, in an interview with Time magazine, Jon Huntsman said: I’m not a meteorologist. All I know is 90 percent of the scientists say climate change is occurring. […]


Gingrich has hot plan to fix the economy

© Matt Bors Now that Donald Trump has decided not to run for some reason, the comedians can turn their attention to Newt Gingrich, who is definitely running. Let the humor begin!


Cats Explain Voting System Reform

Many states have already had votes to reform our “winner take all” voting system for elections (also called “first past the post“) into “instant runoff” (also called “alternative vote” or “preferential voting”). Some countries and even some local governments in the US already use instant runoff voting. Afraid to vote for third party candidates? Feel […]


The Opposite of a Double Header

Last week Trump was ahead, now they are saying he’s neck-and-neck with Huckabee. But they might have their terms ass backwards.


For the first time ever, someone’s dream was ruined by a giant corporation

Having a problem forming a Political Action Committee (PAC)? There is another approach you can try — It’s called a SuperPAC. Learn all about it from Stephen Colbert:


On Target

© Lee Judge
