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Tag Archives: Elections

Doesn’t she look tired?

Could this explain some of Michele Bachmann’s bizarre behavior? According to three people who have worked closely with Bachmann, the presidential candidate suffers from “debilitating” migraine headaches on a weekly basis that can “incapacitate” her for days. Not only that, but allegedly she is constantly medicated to try to prevent them. The migraines are so […]


Republican Candidate Rundown

[Reprinted from The Serum Magazine.] Candidate What’s gone right What’s gone wrong Would definitely win nomination if… Mitt Romney Still zero bad hair days, lifetime Despite Romney’s tough rhetoric, Obama has not yet conceded office to him …elections were hosted by Rick Perry Everybody hates all the actual candidates He will eventually have to […]


Bipartisan Agreement

© Wolf Grulkey The Republicans think that the worse the economy, the better they will do in the next election. After all, it worked in the 2010 election. How long before we wise up? Nineteen different polls since the start of 2011 show that Americans support raising taxes to reduce the deficit, often by a […]


Double Down on Crazy

Stephen Colbert advises Michele Bachmann to never apologize for her gaffes, but to double down:


Sympathy for the Devil

© Jim Morin Is it just me, or does anyone else feel that Blago didn’t do anything that most politicians do all the time, he was just a bit more blatant about it. It seems his real transgression was that he didn’t hide the fact that he was just a money grubber for reelection funds […]


Here Come the Big Lies

It is becoming standard in politics now — the “not intended to be a factual statement” statement. If you don’t like something, just lie about it, because the media will not call you on it. Here’s just the latest example. Today, Michele Bachmann appeared on Fox News Sunday. Chris Wallace asked her about the accusations […]


Romney Tries to go Viral

Mitt Romney’s campaign released a web video on Friday about how Obama has failed to create new jobs. The spot features Ryan King, a recent college graduate who is struggling to find a job in Michigan. You can watch the video here. But wait a minute, if you listen closely to the video, King says […]


Moderate Gravitas

You may think of it as one of the pitfalls of being a moderate, but they call them “pitfalls” for a reason. © Tom Toles Toles has a funny observation to go along with this comic: Funny! Washington: broken! Government: broken! Politics: broken! Diagnosis? Partisanship! Extreme position-taking! Nobody willing to compromise! Intemperate language! How, or […]


AdSense Irony

I run Google AdSense on my site, which purports to run “relevant ads” based on the content of the site. Of course, AdSense has no clue about irony, sarcasm, or even humor. So they often run an ad for a politician next to an article where I’m condemning or making fun of that same politician. […]


Who says Republicans don’t care about the poor?

© Joel Pett Republicans made huge gains in the 2010 elections, promising to improve the economy. Isn’t it funny that the economy is now going back down? What isn’t funny is that 33 states — all with Republican controlled legislatures — have passed laws that make it more difficult to vote. How can you tell […]


The Republican Presidential Candidates

© Henry Payne If it weren’t so pitiful and cowardly, it would be funny. Especially watching Mitt Romney trying to explain how Obama’s health care reform is completely different from his own health care reform, which mainly boils down to “mine isn’t called Obamacare“. Does it scare anyone else that Michelle Bachmann came off during […]


Ringing those Bells

© Tom Toles Actually, the Republicans seem to be more afraid of Palin running for president than the Democrats are. At least they should be.


Misquoting the Founding Fathers

An interesting article in the Washington Post talks about the increase in misquotes of the founding fathers, and blames it on the internet, where incorrect information is repeated so much that even politicians think it is true. Here are a few examples: “Thomas Jefferson wrote that government is best that governs least.” – Senator Rand […]


Political Family Values

[satire from “Other News That Did Not Happen, But Could Have“, reprinted from The Dismal Political Economist] Newly announced Republican Presidential nomination aspirant Rick Santorum said that he would have anti-gay marriage as the center of his campaign. He praised Newt Gingrich for his three, count em, three straight marriages and said that was the […]


Fork You Donald Trump

UPDATE: Switching? The Daily Show is now more popular than the entire Fox News prime time and daytime lineup, even though Jon Stewart is broadcast late night, at 11pm. For the month of May, viewership of Stewart grew by an astounding 19%, while many Fox News shows dropped in viewership: Bill O’Reilly was down 9%, […]
