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Tag Archives: Elections

The View From Here

© Lee Judge Doesn’t it seem like the current crop of candidates are running away from the viewpoints held by the majority of voters? For example, a strong majority of voters would like to see a tax increase on the rich.


Unlimited Cash, Unlimited Corruption

Buried near the end of an article in the NY Times on Super PACs is an interesting fact. Super PACs, created after the Supreme Court ruled that money was protected speech, are like regular Political Action Committees (PACs), with one big exception — they are able to raise and spend unlimited amounts of cash on […]


Growth Industry

© Ben Sargent Perry continues to give high-level government jobs to his big campaign donors, despite the fact that he just announced he is running for president, and despite the fact that the New York Times just published a front page article about how Perry hands out tax breaks, contracts, and appointments to his strongest […]


Jon Huntsman Likes Science


Hoarse Race

© Tom Tomorrow Yes, Michele Bachmann really did vow to drive gasoline prices to less than $2 per gallon if she is elected president. So either she does not understand how free markets work, or she is simply against them. She is hypocritically promoting government interference in a market even though she claims that the […]


Huntsman the Truth-Teller

One of the problems being a moderate right now is that the Republican party has gone so far to the crazy right that it is hard to find any balance in politics. So it is absolutely wonderful to see a candidate like Jon Huntsman, who is something I didn’t think I would see in the […]


Cartoonist Prayers Answered

© Lee Judge Actually, I’m developing a new theory that many of the current Republican presidential candidates are running not because they think they can win (even the nomination, let alone the election), but because it gives them attention and/or money.


Perry’s Fantasyland

Presidential candidate Rick Perry is so against federal regulations that he is campaigning against regulations that don’t even exist! According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, at two different speeches in Iowa this last week, Perry claimed “If you’re a tractor driver, if you drive your tractor across a public road, you’re gonna […]


Why does the media treat Ron Paul like he doesn’t exist?

Jon Stewart points out the hypocrisy of the mainstream media. They even joke about the fact that they studiously ignore Ron Paul. What I don’t understand is how the media can not take Ron Paul seriously, when they seem to be able to take people like Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, and even Sarah Palin seriously. […]


Congressional Rating

© Ed Stein Polls show that Congressional approval is now even lower than back before the last election, when Congressional approval was so low we kicked out a bunch of Congress and elected some newbie freshmen from the Tea Party. Ouch! Ever get the feeling that you’ve been had?


More Mystery Corporations

Earlier this week this blog reported on a mystery corporation that was created, donated a million dollars to help elect Mitt Romney, and then dissolved — all done to keep the donor’s identity secret. That story was somewhat defused when the actual donor decided to reveal himself. But now we find that there are at […]


Our political system just got even worse

A mystery corporation was formed in March. Six weeks later it made a $1 million donation to the campaign of Mitt Romney, through Romney’s Super PAC called “Restore Our Future”. The corporation was then dissolved on July 12. There are no public records giving any hint of who owned the corporation. There is no address, […]


Blame Game

© Jim Morin Maybe the problem isn’t the politicians, it is a political system and media that are controlled by money and power. Or maybe the voters just need to wise up so they aren’t so easily influenced by the propaganda on TV.


Political Gridlock – There’s an App for That

Two articles give potential solutions to some of our political problems. Both attempt to limit, or at least modify, the power of our currently gridlocked political parties. In the New York Times is an article “Make Way for the Radical Center” that talks about a new startup called “Americans Elect” that is attempting to use […]



© Matt Bors Pretty much everyone is fed up with the government, but nobody has a good idea of how to fix it. Politicians who actually try to change the system are dismissed as “out of the mainstream” or not “serious” because they don’t raise enough money. That’s ironic, since money in politics is a […]
