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Tag Archives: Elections

Occam’s Razor

[Written by Fred Wickham, reposted from Bullseye Rooster] My debate plan. I can share this because I know no Republican candidates, nor their staffs, will be reading my blog. I have made it unavailable to them. Here’s the plan — and the debate’s sponsors have taken me up on it. So be ready for fireworks […]



© August J. Pollak I’m still holding out hope for Jon Huntsman, but this comic is probably right. Does anyone believe it won’t be Mitt Romney?


Voting by Remote Control

Speaking of democracy and elections, security experts at the Vulnerability Assessment Team at Argonne National Labs have demonstrated a simple hack that allows them to change votes on electronic voting machines using a standard remote control — like the one you use to change channels on your TV. The hack doesn’t require any reprogramming, and […]


When is the right to vote not the right to vote?

Nothing says democracy like a royal decree.


One Sector of the Economy is Thriving!

© Ted Rall Somehow, despite the bad economy, the Republican campaigns seem to have lots of money. Even Sarah Palin is sending out fundraising letters just to get her to decide whether or not she is going to run for President.


I know you are, but what am I?

I’ve noticed increasing use in politics of a propaganda tactic where you accuse your opponent of doing something that you yourself often do (e.g., class warfare). But Romney, in his effort to rehabilitate himself to the Republican base, is taking this to new heights. In a speech last Friday in Florida, Romney accused Obama of […]


SNL on the Republican Debates

Mitt Romney is played by Jason Sudeikis, Rick Perry is Alec Baldwin, and there are also “six people who will never be president but showed up anyway.”


Sudden Death Election

If the Tea Party audience cheers at the announcement of all the executions carried out by Rick Perry, and yells for the uninsured to die, then maybe they will really go for this idea: © Keith Knight


The Daily Show Debates the Debate


One Part of the Economy is Going Strong

Yes We Can!


Entitled To Vote?

© Jen Sorensen I wonder who first started calling them entitlements? Is this another example of Republican framing?


If you can’t stand the heat…

One of the things I like about Texas is their sense of humor. So it is only natural that they would be making lots of fun of governor Rick Perry, who is leading in the Republican race for president. The most common joke I hear is that Perry is the candidate for those people who […]


Is God that Fickle?

© Clay Bennett Even though Michele Bachmann won the straw poll in Iowa, she has been trailing badly since then, and is struggling now in fourth place behind Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, and Ron Paul. Perry is currently the Tea Party flavor of the month, but it will be interesting to see how he does […]


Why I’m Voting Republican

by Art Buck, from the Ashland Daily Tidings I have been following the election build-up and I’ve made up my mind: I am voting a straight Republican ticket. The thing that tipped me over the edge was the Republican incandescent light bulb position. They say it is a Democratic police state that is forcing manufacturers […]


Gaddafi Found Running for Republican Nomination

[by Andy Borowitz of The Borowitz Report] Libyan Madman Turns Up in New Hampshire CONCORD, NH (The Borowitz Report) – The mystery surrounding Col. Muammar Gaddafi’s whereabouts was resolved today as the dictator announced his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination in a town hall meeting in Concord, New Hampshire. In announcing his candidacy, the […]
