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Tag Archives: Elections

Pants on Fire Deja Vu All Over Again

During the Republican presidential debate tonight, Michele Bachmann said “After the debates that we had last week, PolitiFact came out and said that everything that I said was true.” As PolitiFact puts it, that statement “jolted us out of our seats”, and they declared her new statement a “Pants on Fire” lie. The truth is, […]


And His Name is Newt

© Tom Tomorrow Are Republicans seriously suggesting that this man could be president of the US? UPDATE: Apparently the old-guard Republican party is terrified that Gingrich might win the nomination. National Review just published a scathing attack on Gingrich, saying: His character flaws — his impulsiveness, his grandiosity, his weakness for half-baked (and not especially […]


Fox News is Killing the Republican Party

British newspaper The Guardian has an excellent article on how Fox News is basically running the Republican primary, and as a result is helping Obama’s reelection bid, maybe even giving Obama a landslide victory. You don’t believe that Fox News is running the Republican primary? After all, Fox hasn’t endorsed any candidates. But it is […]


Newtonian Morality

See, when I smoked pot it was illegal, but not immoral. Now, it is illegal AND immoral. The law didn’t change, only the morality… That’s why you get to go to jail and I don’t. – Newt Gingrich in 1996. In 1997 Gingrich proposed a law that would invoke the death penalty for possession of […]


Return of the Populists?

The Senate race in Massachusetts looks like it will be one of the hardest fought, and most closely watched races of the 2012 election. Republican Scott Brown stunned Democrats when he won Edward Kennedy’s old seat in 2010, which Dems stupidly assumed they owned. But now, Elizabeth Warren is leading Brown in polls by seven […]


Ron Paul points out the obvious

Whether or not you think he’d make a good president (and I personally don’t think he would), I’m really glad Ron Paul is running for president, since it gives him a platform to point out truths (which is the job that our corporate-owned mainstream media is too scared or too dishonest to do). For example, […]


America’s Political Spectrum: Left, Empty space, Far Right Outliers

©John Sherffius This Sherffius cartoon is pretty accurate. It’s not so much that the middle is missing, it is the Center Right and merely Right that have disappeared from our political system. I’m not enamored by Americans Elect or any third party effort at this moment because splitting the vote could elect someone who makes […]


999 Days To 2016 Republican Primary Campaign

©Walt Handelsman It feels like campaigns now run on forever. Incumbents are fundraising for the next campaign as soon as the last ends. Maybe elections should be held every 36 years. Candidates for president would choose multiple 4-year terms to run for. Likewise Senators would run for all possible 6-year terms at once. Then they […]


Late Night Political Humor

“The Republican presidential candidates held a debate in Michigan. Just what Michigan needs: 12 more people looking for a job.” – Conan O’Brien “There’s another Republican presidential debate tonight. This one is focused on why there were so many Republican debates.” – Jimmy Kimmel “If I were Mitt Romney, I wouldn’t show up anymore. I would […]


From Mud To Duds: where did Newt’s first 2012 campaign staff go?

Now that Newt Gingrich’s poll numbers are surging, I was wondering what happened to the members of his staff that jumped ship in June. Dave Carney, Rob Johnson and Katon Dawson all went to Rick Perry. They must be having second thoughts now after switching from the morally muddy but excellent debater Gingrich to the […]


Not Mitt Is Not Much

Wednesday, we reviewed 3 of 99 things to know about Mitt. Just to be fairly fair, today we’ll consider the 1 thing worth knowing about each of the other Republican candidates. Cain – He’s not running! He’s selling books and primping himself for a cushy job at Faux News Santorum – Santorum, ’nuff said, I ain’t linking […]


99 Is TMMI (Too Much Mitt Info)

Here at Political Irony our corps of crack researchers scour the internets tirelessly to harvest only the finest information the web has to offer. We do this so you don’t have to. We recognize that our readers’ time is valuable so our large editorial staff analyzes each offering, deleting any dubious datum. Sometimes even this […]


Late Night With Herman Cain

I have been reluctant to pile on Cain in a jocular manner about the sexual harassment charges. All sexual harassment claims should be taken very seriously. It takes incredible bravery for any sexual assault victim to step forward and endure embarrassment and humiliation as bad or worse than the original offense. Still, although false accusations […]


Protect the Integrity of Local Elections

All elections are important but many voters pay scant attention when national offices are not on the ballot. Tomorrow Nov 8 is a good example. City council and school board elections traditionally were non-partisan but in recent decades have become ideological battlegrounds that have tremendous influence on our youth and our future. With less publicity […]


Backpedaling at the Wheel

© Kevin Siers © Lee Judge
