Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Public Policy Polling decided that since Stephen Colbert tried (but failed) to get his name on the South Carolina ballot, the very least they could do would be to include his name on their latest survey in the state, to see how he might have fared. Even though he is not really running for president […]
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012
[by Laurence Brown, reprinted from the Indy Tribune] Republican Presidential Race Cancelled Following Poor Ratings WASHINGTON DC – Several major television networks have announced that the Republican race for the White House – which premiered last April across America – is to be cancelled after only one caucus. Executives decided to pull the plug on […]
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Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Jon Stewart on the State of the Republican Primary. Saturday night, the pundits complain because nobody attacks Mitt Romney, so right on cue, the pundits get their wish Sunday morning:
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Tuesday, January 10, 2012
© Tom Tomorrow So, how did we end up with such a screwed up political system in this country? It isn’t just the Electoral College, or the bizarre Republican primaries. We also seem to have the longest political campaigns in the world, and I’m sure we spend more money on these campaigns than anywhere else. […]
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© Tony Auth How far to the right will Mitt Romney have to go in order to fend off his Republican primary challengers? And assuming he gets the nomination, will he get whiplash when he turns to the actual election, where he must appeal to independents and moderates?
Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman: Mitt Romney, I think, is more of a job cremator than a job creator. He was a corporate buyout specialist at Bain Capital. He dismantled companies. He cut jobs. He forced companies into bankruptcy and he outsourced jobs and sent jobs overseas. That’s not a record to write home […]
© Ed Stein [Commentary by Ed Stein:] Remember that moment in the State of the Union address two years back when the president chided the Supreme Court justices in attendance about their appalling Citizens United decision, predicting that a tsunami of anonymous cash would flood elections? Justice Alito responded by silently mouthing the words, “not […]
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Saturday, January 7, 2012
© Ted Rall One way it could get much, much worse: President Santorum and VP Bachmann. Just sayin’.
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Saturday, January 7, 2012
Stephen Colbert takes on the winners of the Iowa caucuses: And satirist Andy Borowitz gets in some funny cracks: Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney was overjoyed today after finishing the Iowa caucuses in a virtual tie with a walking joke who wears sweater vests. “The eight people have spoken!” exclaimed Mr. Romney, who was joined […]
© Kevin Siers As usual, the mainstream media is concentrating on the horse race aspects of the primary, and ignoring the real issues. But even the media is having trouble finding drama in this. I guess Romney has become inevitable, despite the fact that Republicans are willing to grasp at any straw that isn’t him. […]
Thursday, January 5, 2012
In the Iowa Caucuses on Tuesday, Rick Santorum came within 8 votes of winning. 8 votes. Why is this amazing? Because it shows how completely and totally out of the mainstream the Republican party has become. Either that, or the state of Iowa just went insane. Santorum is about as extreme as you can get […]
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
[reprinted from Margaret and Helen] Margaret, isn’t this an amazing country we live in? Anyone can grow up and run for President no matter how many animals they slept with. Who saw Rick Santorum making that big of a comeback? I guess the same people who championed Michele Bachman, then Rick Perry, then Herman Cain, […]
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Wednesday, January 4, 2012
© Ed Stein The Republican campaigns spent more than $12 million in Iowa. For what? How much did Mitt Romney spend in order win by 8 votes? Even worse, he got less than 25% of the vote, which means that 75% of the voters did not want him. As Ed Stein put it, “the Republican […]
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Joe Klein in Time Magazine argues that negative campaign ads will be much more common during this presidential election, based on what we are already seeing in the Iowa primary: Negative ads have been more effective and brutal this time because no one has to get up there at the end and say, “I’m Mitt […]
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© Jim Morin But unfortunately, I don’t think it is over. The Citizens United decision has opened the floodgates for corporate political spending. How big is the flood? In the month of December alone, just in Iowa, more than $10 million was spent just on television and radio political ads. And that’s just for the […]
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