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Tag Archives: Elections

Race to the Finished

© Tom Toles Even Rudy Giuliani — somewhat of a loose cannon himself — asks of Newt Gingrich “What The Hell Are You Doing?” I also want to point out the irony of Gingrich accusing Obama of being like Saul Alinsky, when it is Gingrich himself who seems to be channeling the radical community organizer.



© Ben Sargent Obama is a socialist! Obama is a fascist! He enacted a government takeover of health care. He’s cutting Medicare. He’s a big spender. And he wants to destroy our military by reducing its budget. He’s in the pocket of Wall Street. He’s anti-business. Plus he destroyed our economy and jobs before he […]



[reprinted from Margaret and Helen. I don’t mean to pick on Newt, but this was just too much fun. Helen writes:] The Passion of the Newt Margaret, let me see if I get this right. The political party that brought us Family Values now gives us Newt Gingrich? South Carolina likes to say that they […]



© Jim Morin In the last quarter of 2011, the economy grew at an annual rate of 2.8% (up from 1.8% in the prior quarter), and much of this growth was fueled by growth in the sales of automobiles and other durable goods. Over 3 million private-sector jobs have been created in the last 22 […]


The Gingrich Who Stole South Carolina

Jon Stewart is definitely on a roll: I think Newt Gingrich has actually invented a new propaganda technique. I guess the Republicans were using the “Big Lie” too much, so now we have the “Humongous Hypocrisy” technique. Seriously, is there anything Gingrich stands for that is not hypocritical? Serial philanderer Gingrich is now the family […]


How Gingrich Won in SC

© August J Pollak I had an interesting conversation the other day with someone who is fairly conservative. We were both trying to figure out how Republicans in South Carolina could have voted for Newt Gingrich, someone who is a serial philanderer, lobbyist, Washington insider, ethically challenged, and can’t even run a presidential campaign without […]



© Matt Wuerker Despite his staggering loss in South Carolina, most pundits still expect him to win the Republican nomination. I guess the old maxim “follow the money” still applies. Thank goodness we still have Stephen Colbert pointing out the corruption funding our elections.



Yes, this really is from Rick Santorum‘s website. Come on, can anyone be this clueless? Or is it a Freudian slip?



The mainstream media loves a good horse race, and they are sure getting one in the Republican primaries. Just a couple of days ago, Romney had won two races and was on his way to a double-digit knockout in South Carolina. But it looks like he might get Rickrolled. Today Iowa finally announced their official […]


Definitely Not Coordinating!

Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert continue to not coordinate the activities of their super PAC. And make fun of our totally bizarre and corrupt election laws: The Christian Science Monitor says it is all completely legal. In addition, Colbert’s super PAC is running a new ad in South Carolina, encouraging voters to vote for Herman […]


The Romdroid Twins

© Tom Tomorrow This would explain a lot. Even in the best of times, politicians (like diplomats) have an uncomfortable relationship with the truth. There is a certain tension between a politician’s need to follow the wishes of their electorate, and the need to actually, you know, lead. But Mitt Romney seems to be especially […]


The Failure of the Huntsman campaign mirrors the failure of the Republican Party

Call me crazy, but the fact that Jon Huntsman couldn’t get any traction at all with Republican voters and is now dropping out of the race, shows how bankrupt the Republican party has become. It is ironic that the day Huntsman announced he was withdrawing from the race was the same day he was endorsed […]


Mitt the Ripper

The super PAC formerly run by Stephen Colbert and now run by Jon Stewart has released their first political ad, which it will air in South Carolina this week. And it is a doozy: I love the use of John Lithgow as the narrator (who recently played a serial killer on TV). You should also […]


Stephen Colbert Must Be Stopped!

[by Dean Obeldallah, reprinted from CNN] Stephen Colbert — host of “The Colbert Report” and unabashed right wing radical — is now considering running for President of the United States of America. Simply put: Colbert must be stopped! He is an existential threat to our way of life and to the exceptional nature of our […]


Stephen Colbert for President!!!

I think I predicted this! I’ll post the video of his announcement from tonight when it becomes available later, but until then you can read a transcript here. Colbert said “I am proud to announce that I am forming an exploratory committee to lay the groundwork for my possible candidacy for the president of the […]
