Saturday, February 11, 2012
© Adam Zyglis The whole bruhaha about birth control was just a political stunt. Twenty eight states already require the Catholic Church to cover birth control in their insurance policies, and 97% of Catholic women have used birth control at sometime in their life.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
© Derf In the current Republican race, what’s important is not the winner of the latest primary or caucus, what’s important is who is losing. After all, all of the current candidates have won at least once (except for Ron Paul). As candidates lose momentum and drop out, the winner will not be the person […]
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It is going to be a bitter, nasty presidential election. This weekend a secretive 3-day long fundraising conference hosted by the Koch brothers netted $100 million in pledges to fund efforts to defeat Obama in the 2012 election. Most of this money will be funneled through super PACs to get around campaign financing restrictions, something […]
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Clint Eastwood in a stirring commercial aired by Chrysler during the Superbowl: Ironically, Eastwood is a libertarian-leaning Republican who endorsed John McCain in the 2008 presidential election. UPDATE: Think this ad is political? Then you should read this. Why aren’t you complaining about the Skechers ad that is clearly a metaphor for Newt Gingrich’s campaign […]
© Chan Lowe Mitt Romney has a personal wealth that is larger than the most recent eight presidents (Nixon to Obama) combined. Times two.
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Republicans have repeatedly made a big deal out of voter registration fraud, but actual voter fraud (illegal votes rather than just registration) is relatively rare. But it seems like Republicans are working to change that too. The top elections official in Indiana, Secretary of State Charlie White, was convicted of six felony charges related to […]
Saturday, February 4, 2012
© Ted Rall In the future, the only campaigning politicians will do is asking large corporate donors for money.
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Thursday, February 2, 2012
Some of you may have noticed that I haven’t said anything about Mitt Romney’s recent gaffe, where he said he didn’t care about the poor. That’s because despite his rather poor choice of words (pun intended), what he was really trying to say was that it is the middle class he really cares about. The […]
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Romney debates himself: It is going to be a very interesting presidential election. UPDATE: CNN, CNBC, and others have forced the removal of this video from YouTube, despite the fact that it is clearly fair use. This really pisses me off.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
© Clay Bennett As expected, Mitt Romney won the Republican primary in Florida by 14 percentage points. Gingrich did not offer any congratulations to Romney, and vowed to fight on. At this point, I’m officially losing interest.
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Tuesday, January 31, 2012
© Adam Zyglis Will 2012 be convincing evidence that the Citizen’s United decision by the Supreme Court now means that it is now possible to simply buy an election? UPDATE: Romney claims that he was “vastly outspent” by Gingrich in South Carolina, which is why he lost there. But independent analyses show that Romney’s campaign […]
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Mitt Romney may be financed by Wall Street, but it could be worse. The Las Vegas casino owner who has almost singlehandedly financed Newt Gingrich’s surge in South Carolina by donating $10 million (and promising even more) to Newt Gingrich’s super PAC “Winning our Future” is being investigated by the Department of Justice and the […]
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I’m a great believer in following the money, so I often wonder where Mitt Romney gets most of his campaign money? It doesn’t seem to be from the Republican base, unless if you consider Wall Street to be the (real) Republican base. Romney has raised millions from Wall Street. In fact, Romney has received more […]