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Tag Archives: Elections


© Jim Morin After the “more conservative than thou” primary season, will the Republican party be able to right itself to appeal to mainstream voters and independents?


The Root of All Evil?

Many progressives assume that removing money (such as campaign donations from corporations) from politics will clean things up, but that is not necessarily so. Consider India, where in 1967 prime minister Indira Gandhi outlawed corporate contributions to political campaigns. Unfortunately, this removed one of the few legal (and transparent) methods of financing political races. Instead, […]


Endangered Species

© Brian McFadden My only argument with this comic is the panel where he says “They’re centrists. Doing nothing is what comes naturally to them.” Our current hyper-partisan government makes a lot of noise, but I think we got a whole hell of a lot more done back when there were more moderates and centrists […]


Is it Satire, or is it News?

Yesterday’s headline in satire rag The Onion is closer to reality than most of what passes for news in this country now. Romney Thanks State He Was Born And Raised In For Just Barely Giving Him Enough Votes To Beat Total Maniac © Lee Judge


Hammering Home

© Tom Toles Mitt Romney squeaked a win in Michigan, where his father was a popular governor. But … Call me crazy in a race that has made fools of just about every political pundit, but I’m still convinced that Romney will be the Republican candidate for president. My main question is at what cost, […]


Everything Immoderation

The Republicans have sadly lost another moderate, Olympia Snowe of Maine. The loss is particularly stinging for the GOP, as Republicans are trying hard to take over the Senate in the upcoming election. Snowe is very popular and was considered pretty much a shoo-in for a fourth term. But what must really hurt is why […]


Operation Hilarity

Is turnabout fair play? In February 2008, Rush Limbaugh announced “Operation Chaos“, where he encouraged Republicans to vote in Democratic primaries for Hillary Clinton, in order to prolong the primary fight between Clinton and Barack Obama. In some states, notably Ohio and Indiana, this might even have been a felony. Nevertheless, there is strong evidence […]


What’s All This I Hear About Youth In Asia?

Earlier this month, presidential candidate Rick Santorum went into a church and publicly lied through his teeth. This wasn’t some momentary hyperbole during a campaign speech, or while arguing with another candidate. The event was a forum at the Grace Bible Church moderated by Dr. James Dobson, the founder of the conservative group Focus on […]


I know you are, but what am I?

In Barack Obama’s energy speech this week, he promoted the idea of new biofuels: “We’re making new investments in the development of gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel that’s actually made from a plant-like substance known as algae. Believe it or not, we could replace up to 17% of the oil we import for transportation with […]


The Penultimate Debate

It was the last Republican presidential debate before Super Tuesday. What? You didn’t watch it? No matter. It is much more fun to watch Jon Stewart make fun of it: If that isn’t interesting enough, read Matt Taibbi explain why he enjoyed watching the Republican candidates stick long knives into each other’s backs at the […]


Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse

© Tom Toles And not just Palin; The Donald has said he would consider running if Rick Santorum gets the Republican nomination.


Selective Religion

Republicans have been accusing Obama of waging war on the Catholic Church, if not on religion in general, because he won’t let the church have its way on issues like birth control. However, the same politicians who are attacking Obama have voted against the Catholic Church in a number of other (even bigger) policy issues. […]


Happy Valentine’s Day!

© Joel Pett I guess it is a love-hate relationship. © Tony Auth


Bain Capitalism Run Amok

© Tom Tomorrow I usually don’t like comics like this, where they make fun of a politician for something they didn’t actually do (especially when there are plenty of things they did do that are just as bad). But this one is making a good (albeit subtle) point. The vampire capitalism practiced by companies like […]


Santorum’s Impact

© Jim Morin © Lee Judge I’m still convinced that the Republicans will eventually come to their senses, and realize that Rick Santorum, while being the ideal ultra-conservative, is so far out of the mainstream that he has no chance of getting elected. I mean, someone who wants to outlaw birth control even for married […]
