This is how it works. SuperPACs are allowed to spend unlimited amounts of money on political campaigns and other political activities, but they are required to disclose their donors. To avoid this, you just set up a non-profit organization, which is not required to disclose donors, to “launder” the money so you can’t tell where […]
© Jack Ohman So, who do you think Romney will pick for his Veep?
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Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Every candidate (reportedly) endorsed by God has now lost to Mitt Romney. I believe this is the final nail in the coffin for celebrity endorsements for political candidates. The end — sorry, um, suspension — of Rick Santorum’s presidential campaign is a major milestone in the primary race, clearing the way, as it does, for Mitt Romney […]
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Wednesday, April 11, 2012
© Tom Toles I wonder how many people the Obama campaign has going over what Romney said during the primary campaign and ready to compare it to what he says during the actual election. Quite a few, if this is any indication. This is going to be interesting.
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I realize that the Republican base doesn’t seem to even notice lies, but it looks like Obama will be willing to remind independent and swing voters.
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© Caldwell Tanner Some things never change, like the proverbial Game of Thrones.
This morning in a campaign speech Mitt Romney said “We have a president, who I think is is a nice guy, but he spent too much time at Harvard, perhaps.” There’s just one problem, Romney also went to Harvard. In fact, he got both his JD (same as Obama) plus an MBA at Harvard, so […]
A spot check of election results in Palm Beach, Florida (land of questionable elections) turned up a few inconsistencies, so a judge ordered a hand recount of the ballots that had been tabulated using a computer system from Sequoia Voting Systems. Why did it take a judge to order a recount? Because, hand counting ballots […]
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New York Times columnist David Javerbaum presents a new theory of politics, based on recent observations of the behavior of presidential candidate Mitt Romney. This new theory has striking (and hilarious) similarities to Quantum Mechanics, and violates many of the laws of traditional classical politics. In classical Newtonian Politics (named after Newt Gingrich, in the […]
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Reliable sources say a Super-PAC craze is sweeping the nation. Don’t get left out. Stephen Colbert will help you start your own Super PAC, for just $99. According to the Federal Election Commission, “more Texans have donated to Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow [Colbert’s Super PAC] than to the pro-Romney Restore Our Future.”
© Joe Heller It is ironic that Republicans don’t like Mitt Romney for changing his positions, when they do the same thing about candidates trying to find “Anyone but Mitt”. I’m often confused about the whole “flip-flopping” deal. Voters want candidates who respect their wishes. When Romney was running in a pro-choice state, he was […]
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Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Mitt Romney as Eminem: UPDATE: Here’s a new meme, started by one of Romney’s staffers, that Romney is an “Etch a Sketch”. You shake him up and restart all over. © Adam Zyglis
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© Tom Toles Is anyone still actually paying attention to the Republican primary? John McCain on Meet the Press said this presidential primary is “the nastiest I’ve ever seen” and added “it’s gone way too long and gotten way, way too personal.”
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CBS smuggled secret cameras into a weekend-long fundraiser for twelve freshman Republican Congressmen, held at an exclusive resort in Florida and attended by lobbyists and special interests, who each paid a minimum of $10,000 and as much as $46,200 (the legal maximum) to attend. The CBS article points out the hypocrisy of the event, using […]
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
It constantly surprises me how Republican’s don’t seem to understand that in the age of YouTube and the Internet, you can’t say crazy things, lie and flip-flop willy nilly, and expect that people will forget. For example, tonight on CNN, Romney spokesperson Eric Fehrnstrom said “I don’t think anybody expected Mitt to win Alabama or […]
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