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Tag Archives: Elections

Responding to Lies

What can be done to respond to the lies that are inevitably spread during political campaigns? If the candidate being attacked denies them, they often just help spread the lies more. But if they don’t respond to them, then people will think they are true. So it is very interesting to see how the Obama […]


Not Learning from Mistakes

Is anyone else frightened by the fact that most of Mitt Romney’s foreign policy advisors are the same neocon chicken hawks that lied us into two disastrous wars and made the world hate us? Twenty three of Romney’s most senior advisors formerly advised George W. Bush. For example, Robert Kagan (founder of the Project for […]


The Mormon Questions

Only Jon Stewart could get away with asking these questions:


Projection is the sincerest form of flattery

The Republicans and Fox News have gotten to the point where they just reflexively attack Obama for everything he does, even if it is something they themselves do all the time. They are blind to their own hypocrisy: My big question now is, are the Republicans just projecting? Have they actually attacked Obama for anything […]


Why Stop There?

© Derf What I find ironic about this comic is that it asks “why stop there?” but the truth is that we never stopped. Most politicians are already more like actors anyway, and the movies (especially Pixar) have blurred the line between real and virtual actors. For all we know, Romney is a CGI. And […]


Slow Jam The News

Jimmy Fallon has a special musical guest on his show, live from the University of North Carolina:


The Least Popular Job in the World?

Nobody wants to be Mitt Romney’s running mate.


It Ain’t Over Until…

It looks like the Republican nominating process is even more of a mess than we already knew it was. In fact, there is a chance that it isn’t actually over yet. For example, first Romney was declared the winner in Iowa, then Santorum, and now it looks like Ron Paul actually won. In 1920, Warren […]


Not Happy with the GOP

In an interview Sunday night, former presidential candidate Jon Huntsman had some things to say about the current state of the Republican Party. At his first presidential debate, he was struck by the question “Is this the best we could do?” Apparently it was, since any deviation from party dogma was swiftly punished. When he […]



Mitt Romney gave a speech at a shuttered Gypsum plant in Ohio yesterday, using it as a backdrop to claim that Obama has failed to create jobs. There are just a couple of problems. First of all, the plant was closed four years ago, before Obama was elected. And second, when Obama was sworn in, […]


Rejected Campaign Slogans

© Brian McFadden Let the election begin! It’s going to be the dirtiest campaign you’ve ever seen. I would say: Hide the children and check the plumbing because you’re going to have to shower several times a day. – Charles Krauthammer


Phony Mommy Wars

It takes three videos from Jon Stewart to contain this much delicious irony and hypocrisy. And the latest twist to all of this is that even Ann Romney was cynically milking Hillary Rosen’s comment, pretending to be outraged that Rosen was disrespecting stay-at-home moms: It was my early birthday present for someone to be critical […]


Terminating your Candidacy?

Rick Santorum should have thought about this earlier, but it is not too late now, before he aborts his campaign.


Jumping the Gun

Mitt Romney is already selling exclusive presidential access, for only $50,000. This despite the fact that he hasn’t even been nominated yet, let alone elected. Don’t have $50,000? For only $10,000 you can get a photo taken with Romney. © Jim Morin


Three-Way Race

© Kevin Siers Will Mitt Romney need two positions at the upcoming presidential debates?
