The next time someone complains about how the media is in love with Obama, just show them this graph: This chart is driven by data from the non-partisan and widely respected Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism. It tracks negative and positive coverage over time for the major political candidates. The red lines […]
The ironic thing about all this birther nonsense is that it applies just as much to Romney as it does to Obama (which is to say, it really doesn’t apply to either of them). People argue that Obama’s father was born in Kenya. But Mitt Romney’s father, George Romney, was born in Mexico. So what. […]
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[By misteragc, reprinted from Daily Kos. I’ve been waiting for Romney to clinch the GOP nomination before posting this.] The Romney campaign today announced a surprise pick for Vice President – Exxon Mobil Corporation. “This is a game changing decision, that will really energize the true Republican base: Koch Industries, Haliburton, Walmart, Bechtel, Fox and […]
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Last night, the Romney campaign released an iPhone app called “With Mitt” that allows you to take a photo, add one of 14 pro-Romney banners to the photo, and upload the resulting masterpiece to Facebook or Twitter. But they couldn’t have found a better way for the app to go viral than if they had […]
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You’ve heard of birthers. Is turnabout fair play? How many wives does Mitt Romney actually have? Inquiring minds want to know. p.s. even if you don’t like Bill Mahar, this is brilliant.
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© Ted Rall Actually, such a billboard would never happen, because Romney is desperately trying to distance himself from his former policies that bear any resemblance at all to Obama’s current policies (health care reform, abortion, etc.).
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Obama is on record against PACs and SuperPACs, which can funnel unlimited amounts of money into protected political speech. So of course, when he accepts money from them, he is attacked for being hypocritical. And yet, it seems that the only way this country will get any restrictions against PACs and SuperPACs, is by them […]
Two months ago, Arizona’s Secretary of State Ken Bennett sent a request to Hawaii to verify that Barack Obama was born there, so that Obama could be placed on the presidential ballot. This despite the fact that Hawaii has already stated over and over again that Obama was born there in 1961 and that they […]
Karl Rove’s SuperPAC American Crossroads releases an anti-Obama ad. It is actually pretty funny, both intentionally and unintentionally:
Mitt Romney, when asked if he stood by comments he made on Sean Hannity’s radio show saying that President Obama wanted to make the U.S. a “less Christian nation”. Romney replies “I’m not familiar, precisely, with exactly what I said, but I stand by what I said, whatever it was.” Watch him say it: I […]
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Who keeps funding these stupid propaganda videos made by James O’Keefe? The guy isn’t even very good at lying, and he certainly is a very sorry excuse for a journalist. His latest video, which you can watch here (if you can stand to), he harasses two men claiming that they voted in North Carolina elections […]
At least bipartisanship humor isn’t dead. New Jersey Gov Chris Christie (R) and Newark Mayor Cory Booker (D) did a very funny video for last night’s state Press Association Legislative Correspondents Club dinner.
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© Mike Luckovich Sometimes I try to figure out from what Mitt Romney says what kinds of things he would do as president, but quickly realize that I have absolutely no idea, since Romney seems to be willing to say just about anything that is politically expedient. The best I can figure is that he […]
Paul Begala has a good article in Newsweek that asks the sensible question: Romney talks about his family, and his business success, but he never talks about his tenure as governor of Massachusetts. Why is he ignoring “the only time he has ever held public office.” Perhaps it is because when he was campaigning for […]
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© Brian McFadden I’m posting this mainly for the line about false equivalences. But I also like the warning at the end. Of course, the whole problem with this is that the political parties often do hope that you will get bored with the election and tune out, since then the results will be defined […]