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Tag Archives: Elections

To Your Health!

I am very happy that the Supreme Court upheld the ACA (ObamaCare). Although it was a close decision (5-4, with the conservatives wanting to overturn the entire law, not just the individual mandate). Interestingly, the swing vote in this case was Chief Justice John Roberts, not Anthony Kennedy (who typically plays that role). Ironically, even […]


Orator Mittens

© Scott Bateman Transcript of Romney’s remarks: This is so much fun. It’s so much fun running for president, I gotta tell ya. It is fun being here with you. This is kind of historic, you know that? To all be together on a, on a morning like this and uh, to be in the […]


Waging Class Warfare

© Garry Trudeau To me, the big question is: does Mitt Romney realize the difference between running Bain Capital and running the country? He got bored even running the State of Massachusetts, or maybe it just didn’t make him enough money.


Mitt Romney Lies a Lot for a Politician

[reprinted from the Booman Tribune] I think Mitt Romney broke his own recored for telling the most lies this week. I don’t think Steve Benen even had to try that hard to find 30 enormous whoppers. Most of them have to do with statistics and the budget. Some just grossly mischaracterize what the president has […]


Where For Art Thou Mitt Romney?

Michael Tomasky has an interesting article about the biography of Mitt Romney, and the ironic fact that the life of the man who might end up our next president is almost completely a liability — his childhood, his career, his faith, even his mostly undistinguished stint as governor. It seems like the only thing that […]


Have Your Burrito and Eat it Too

© David Horsey I love it when cartoonists include commentary with their comics. I was sad when Ed Stein stopped drawing editorial cartoons with commentary, but now it looks like David Horsey is taking up the slack. Horsey has an interesting take on Obama’s thrust on immigration, and how the Republicans are being a bit […]


Mitt n’ Mike

[This is from one of our regular readers. It is a follow-up from an earlier post.] From: The Office of Mike Lee, Chocowinity, NC To: Mr. Mitt Romney, Campaign Trail 2012 Dear Mitt, I have not heard from you yet but I’m sure you are very busy on the campaign trail. I imagine just tying […]


Election Fatigue

© Brian McFadden And with the amount of money being thrown at this election, it is just going to get worse. Sigh.


Honest Abe?

The website (run by the same people who do is imagining whether Lincoln (our most respected president) could be re-elected today. The best part is a series of hypothetical campaign ads by his opponent George B. McClennan, using modern negative campaign propaganda techniques. Here’s one of them: They also have ads from the […]


Imaginary Voter Fraud

John Oliver hilariously destroys Florida’s new voter registration law: Is it just my imagination, or does John Fund (the guy being interviewed in favor of the new law) appear to not actually believe what he is saying? I also want to point out one of my pet peeves — that he is confusing voter registration […]


Let Them Eat Cake

© David Horsey This comic is referring to a recent ad from the Romney campaign, which uses an out-of-context quote from Obama saying “The private sector is doing fine.” and using it to claim that Obama is “out of touch”. But not only was the quote taken out of context (Obama was pointing out that […]



© Jim Morin If the Citizens United decision means that money is speech and corporations are people, then maybe we should make corporations (including SuperPACs) spending money on political ads subject to libel and slander laws. When the Koch brothers run ads like this, which PolitiFact determines to contain “Pants-On-Fire” lies, they should be liable. […]



I overheard someone saying that the only reason they could think of for voting Republican in the upcoming election is that if they won, they’d have to stop sabotaging our country in order to make Obama look bad. The only problem with that theory is that when Bush and the Republicans were in power, they […]


Money isn’t just speech, it’s votes!

© Matt Wuerker Actually, I think the ratio was just above 7 to 1, with most of the $30 million for the Republican Scott Walker coming from out of state. And it worked. Walker prevailed 53.5% to 45.9%. Walker is the first governor in US history to survive a recall election. Last week, Karl Rove […]


Taking Irony to the Next Level

It was bad enough when Republicans started disenfranchising voters in the name of preventing voter fraud. It doesn’t seem to matter that various studies have found that voter fraud is pretty much non-existant in this country (heck, it is hard enough to get people to cast one vote). But that didn’t stop vigilant conservatives from […]
