Lost in all the brouhaha about Mitt Romney’s gaffe-o-rama in England is the fact that one of the main things he did while in London is hold a fundraising dinner in a foreign city, where scandal-plagued international bankers paid $25,000 to $75,000 a plate to support his election campaign. That’s right. Romney is explicitly asking […]
DC Douglas makes fun of Romney’s latest attack on Obama: As usual the Romney campaign edited Obama’s words (splicing out “roads and bridges”) to make it sound like Obama was dissing entrepreneurs and claiming that they didn’t build their own businesses (when he was actually saying that they didn’t build the roads and bridges they […]
Stephen Colbert brilliantly notices that there is a better alternative to Republican party candidate Mitt Romney, at least in one state: Transcript: You know, after two years and billions of dollars, our presidential election is going to come down to a few undecided voters in key swing states. The fate of our country is now […]
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Jon Stewart on Romney’s excuses for not releasing his tax returns. Brilliant! © Jim Benton
Getting paid $100,000 a year for doing nothing? We definitely need more of that in our government! Nice to have the Daily Show back.
Warning: Not safe for work. Or for Republicans. Sarah Silverman has an indecent proposal for casino magnate Sheldon Adelson. That’s right, the man who has pledged at least $100 million to defeat Obama (John McCain claims that it is foreign money). For more information, see http://scissorsheldon.com/ UPDATE: Also, you might be wondering why Sheldon Adelson […]
© Kevin Siers It seems to be a common GOP tactic, to accuse your opponent of things of which you yourself are guilty. But in this case, I’m not sure that strategy will work. Romney is already too much like Obama for conservatives. © Tom Tomorrow
Mitt Romney spent Friday on a media blitz, attacking Obama for trying to make an issue out of Romney’s involvement with Bain Capital after February 1999. How did he do in defusing the Obama campaign’s accusations? As you can see, not well. In fact, Forbes magazine, not exactly a hotbed of liberalism, has a list […]
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© Anklejive Republicans kept hounding Obama to release his birth certificate, even after he had already released it. So I’m happy that at least a few Republicans are asking Mitt Romney to release his tax returns from before 2010: “There is no whining in politics. Stop demanding an apology, release your tax returns.” — John […]
Ronald Reagan famously said “government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem”. But I think he got it slightly wrong: Romney seems to be making a career of complaining about things he helped cause. So I would claim that Republicans are not the solution to our problem; Republicans are the problem.
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A fascinating opinion piece in the Boston Globe really resonated with me. It discusses how Mitt Romney seems to be unwilling to pin himself down on any issue, and even if he sort-of does, he’s willing to change his tune depending on who is paying him to fiddle. From his response to the Supreme Court […]
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Pennsylvania Secretary of the Commonwealth Carol Aichele repeatedly claimed that 99% of Pennsylvania voters had a photo ID that would allow them to vote. But now that they passed their voter ID law, Aichele’s department did a cross check of the voter registration rolls against the database of people with state ID (typically driver’s licenses). […]
© Matt Bors Not only does the media treat everything as if it were political, it treats politics as a simple horse race. Unfortunately, reality is a bit more complicated. Health care isn’t just a fight between the Republicans and Democrats, it affects people’s lives. You would think that the media would realize that the […]
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Mitt Romney. If you don’t like his policies, give it a minute. Mitt Romney is in a difficult position after the Supreme Court decision upholding ObamaCare. Romney can’t complain about the individual mandate being a tax, since he was a huge proponent of the individual mandate both in Massachusetts and for national health care reform. […]
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Do you think this would be a good idea?
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