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Tag Archives: Elections

Evolution in Action

© Derf I’ve pretty much stopped posting stories about conservative anti-gay crusaders who are outed, since it really isn’t that ironic any more. Besides, you aren’t hearing that much anti-gay rhetoric from the right this election cycle because they realized that it wasn’t mobilizing their base and was even making them unpopular with everyone else. […]


Figures Never Lie, But Liars Always Figure

Mitt Romney is running a TV ad in Florida, blaming Florida’s dismal 8.6% unemployment levels on Obama and complaining about “105,000 Florida jobs lost”. But if you look on Republican governor Rick Scott’s website, you see a slightly different message. The governor is taking credit for the same 8.6% unemployment level, saying that it is […]


Well, at least he didn’t pick someone boring

By selecting Paul Ryan as his running mate, is Romney giving in to the most strident conservatives and giving up on moderates and independent voters? UPDATE: This person definitely thinks so: After a blasting in the polls and a haranguing by right-wing pundits, Mitt Romney decided that he should use the biggest statement of his […]


Is that Fertilizer or just Shit?

Scotts Miracle-Gro is making headlines because they publicly donated $200,000 to Romney’s SuperPAC “Restore Our Future”. Yes, that is the same Scotts Miracle-Gro that pleaded guilty to selling birdseed that was coated with a pesticide toxic to birds, even after their own scientists warned them of the problem. And in a separate case, falsified documents […]


I know you are, but what am I?

Today we have a Jon Stewart double header! When I started watching this video, I was worried that it was another example of where liberals bemoan it when Democratic politicians won’t play hardball like the Republicans do, but then attack those same Democratic politicians when they do play hardball. But then Jon Stewart pulls it […]



© Tom Tomorrow Experts agree: the best way to win elections is to convince the majority of people that their vote doesn’t matter, that nothing can be done, and that all candidates are the same. And then energize their wing-nut base to go vote.


Silver Spoon

I don’t have a problem with Mitt Romney being rich. I have a problem with him lying about being rich. Back during the primary, Romney kept getting in trouble for acting snobbishly rich. Like when he talked about his friends who owned NASCAR teams, but especially when he tried to make a $10,000 bet with […]


Mitt Romney, Generic Republican

Good luck pinning him down. And even if you do, he’ll just say the opposite in a day or two. He’s the ultimate generic candidate. And he loves everything, except vampires.


This is Rich!

Mitt Romney has earned a full-throated endorsement from famous porn star Jenna Jameson. While sipping champagne in the VIP room of a gentlemen’s club in San Francisco, Jameson told a television reporter: I’m very looking forward to a Republican being back in office. When you’re rich, you want a Republican in office. This endorsement is […]



© Steve Sack Now that Romney is back from his world travels, is anything safe here in the US? Certainly not the truth.


Time is Relative

© Mike Thompson Silly season started early. Will any of us survive?


Dirty Money

Super PACs have garnered a lot of attention lately, but they aren’t the real money in politics. Far worse are so-called “dark-money nonprofits”, which are allowed to keep their donors secret. The Citizens United decision not only allows corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money on politics, it gives the same right to nonprofits. However, […]


Short Sighted

As if it weren’t bad enough that Republicans were deliberately blocking bills that would help the economy, in order to win elections. We almost expect that of them. But this is the height of cynicism and hypocrisy. Ohio’s Senate race is neck-and-neck, with progressive Sherrod Brown pitted against Republican Josh Mandel. Mandel vocally opposed raising […]


“Dark Wizards for a Better America” Super PAC

Even if you aren’t a Harry Potter fan, McSweeney’s has a hilarious article called “In Hindsight, Maybe We Shouldn’t Have Let Lord Voldemort Start His Own Super PAC”. Here’s just a short quote from it: I’m not saying that Super PACs are inherently evil or anything. After all, look how that Citizens United case turned […]


State of the Statesman

© Lee Judge I find this comic especially funny, since it came out before Mitt Romney’s disastrous attempt to be statesmanlike in England.
