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Tag Archives: Elections

Not Constrained to the Truth

© Ruben Bolling The truth may set you free, but spreading lies still costs lots of money.



© Jim Morin Well that, and that they think they can buy an election. © Scott Stantis


Why Romney/Ryan must be defeated in 2012 — and why Conservatives should hope they are

I love a good rant, especially one backed up by cold, hard facts and solid arguments. And Kurt Eichenwald of Vanity Fair has blogged one of the best rants I’ve ever seen. It is made all that much more powerful by the fact that Eichenwald is not a blatant partisan, and is actually concerned that […]


Minority Opinion

© Chan Lowe Here’s the current status of Republican efforts to suppress the vote from groups that traditionally vote Democratic.


Voting Against your own Self Interest

© Chris Rock I don’t see it as “voting for the lesser of two evils”. I see it as voting for the person who is trying to fight evil and not always winning, but is willing to keep trying. Yes, I can (and do) fault Obama for not ending the war in Afghanistan sooner, but […]


I am what I am

© Tom Toles Mitt Romney defends his personality and likability in an interview with Politico by repeating the Popeye line “I am who I am” three times. Well, he does point out that “I was voted the president of my fraternity. … you don’t get voted to be head of your group if you don’t […]


Charlie Crist Endorses Obama

On the eve of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, the former Republican governor of Florida, Charlie Crist, has endorsed Barack Obama for president: As America prepares to pick our president for the next four years — and as Florida prepares once again to play a decisive role — I’m confident that President Barack […]


The Economist Slams Romney

The Economist magazine — who should be his biggest boosters — takes a long, hard look at Mitt Romney, and doesn’t like what they see. A few quotes, but the whole article is worth reading: All politicians flip-flop from time to time; but Mr Romney could win an Olympic medal in it (see article). Would […]


Not Raised Right

Campaigning in Michigan today, where he grew up, Mitt Romney made a joke. He said “no one’s ever asked to see my birth certificate. They know that this is the place that we were born and raised.” While this is a clear reference to discredited claims that Obama was not born in the US and […]


The Dumbing Down of the News

© Brian McFadden Once upon a time, the media played an important role in educating citizens about the issues. Now they are just bought and paid for by corporations, like almost everything else.


Unlikely Voters

Our old friend and master of statistics Nate Silver has an interesting column that points out an interesting fact. Most polls try to survey only likely voters, since only people who vote determine elections. But a recent survey did the opposite, surveying people who were either not registered to vote, or who said they were […]



I have some sympathy for politicians who make verbal gaffes. After all, everybody says things they regret later. So I’m curious about what people think of current Congressman and GOP Senate candidate Todd Akin, who was asked why he opposes abortion even in the case of rape. Akin claimed that “from what I understand from […]


Get out the vote, or throw out the vote?

“That’s the price you pay to prevent something that doesn’t happen.” But my favorite part is the legislator who designed the bill even brags about it allowing Romney win the election. At least he’s transparent!


What Kind of an Irresponsible Lunatic is Paul Ryan?

How can we trust one of the people who helped run up our massive deficit in the first place to fix the problem? Especially when his proposed budget would make the deficit even larger. What kind of irresponsible lunatic would put Paul Ryan a heartbeat away from the presidency? So why did Romney pick Ryan? […]


How Not to Argue with Reality

Facts are stubborn things. The GOP game plan with facts seems to be to make some up, then repeat them so many times that people start to believe them. And usually the media lets them get away with it. But CNN’s Soledad O’Brien actually challenges these falsehoods! OMG, a real journalist? But it is interesting […]
