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Tag Archives: Elections

How to Vote

Cute video. If you pause it at 1:18 you can see him voting for Lily Tomlin over Lucille Ball, Bob Hope, and Carol Burnett for the important post of Minister of Comic Relief. Don’t blink or you’ll miss it. And be sure to vote.



Sometimes, not always, but sometimes I think Donald Trump wants to lose his majority in Congress at the midterms. I know this sounds crazy, but what isn’t crazy now? Look at it this way. Trump loves to complain about how unfair things are to him. With him as president and having majorities in both houses […]



© Ruben Bolling This comic is brilliant. I just hope he does more like it. For example, how Republicans are repeatedly and desperately looking for election fraud for which there is absolutely no evidence of existence in order to make it much harder for poor people and students to vote. At the same time ignoring […]


Voting Machine Village

This weekend, attendees at a large cybersecurity conference were invited to try their hands at hacking 30 voting machines. The conference had acquired the machines and set up a “voting machine village“. Every single machine was hacked. The first ones in less than 90 minutes. Some were hacked with no physical contact. And remember that […]


Today in Trump

Donald Trump’s international trip got pushed out of the news today by yet another list of bad news for his administration. Why settle for a scandal a day when you can have many? Russian agents bought ads on Facebook and other social media during the election to spread damaging stories about Hillary Clinton and influence […]


April Fools

Yesterday, on April Fools Day, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced on their Facebook page that they had set up an automated telephone switchboard for embassies. So the message that would play when you call them was (in English and Russian): You have reached the Russian embassy, your call is very important to us. To arrange […]


How did this Happen?

Several posts in today’s edition of Electoral Vote try to answer the question of “How did this happen”. Or more directly, how did so many people vote for Donald Trump, especially working-class voters and women, when he appears to be the embodiment of everything they profess to hate. I recommend you give these a read […]


The Real Vote

© Signe Wilkinson It is time for the Electoral College to go away. If not by constitutional amendment, then through the National Popular Vote Compact.


The Irony of the Electoral College

© Ruben Bolling So, should we ever use the Electoral College for its intended purpose? Or should we abolish it? Otherwise it is just an anachronism that keeps causing problems. Yes, it is undemocratic, but the founders intended it to be that way. In fact, the founders weren’t sure they trusted full-on democracy, and purposely […]


Trust, but Audit

Nate Silver gives a good argument that we should automatically audit our elections. In other words, we should regularly check our elections for irregularity, not just when the count is close. It shouldn’t be a recount, it should be an audit that is always done for every major election. He compares it to a cancer […]


Preventing Known Voter Fraud

I am delighted that Jill Stein will force recounts to be done in several states that used voting machines that are known to be easily hacked. No, it is not because I think Hillary Clinton actually won the election. That is not the point. The point is that if we know that certain voting machines […]


It Isn’t just about Elections

Bernie Sanders makes an excellent point. Politics isn’t just about who you elect. People have to be willing to fight for what they believe in all the time, not just once every four or eight years. One of the things that distresses me is that often liberals and progressives fight hard to win an election […]


End Game

Politico, a fairly right-wing news source, is very worried about Trump’s new rhetoric delegitimizing the election. To the point where they are concerned that he could destroy our democracy. They are calling on top Republicans “to defend the legitimacy of the electoral system”. But will rabid Trump supporters listen to anyone other than Trump? It […]


Make America Hated Again

The Brits need our help to make them look good again. You can do your part by not registering to vote, or just not voting. That way, America can regain its status as idiots. “C’mon America, be the bigger moron!” Indeed, Brexit passed because many Brits voted for it as a protest vote, assuming that […]


Bizarro World

© Tom Tomorrow Is it sad to realize that if Hillary Clinton had done even one-tenth of the bizarre things that Donald Trump has done, she would have been laughed out of the presidential race long ago. The same thing is true of the other two candidates. Heck, Gary Johnson was derided because he misunderstood […]
