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Tag Archives: Election


© Tom Tomorrow Part of me (a rather small part) actually wants the upcoming presidential election to be between a Clinton and a Bush. Holy deja vu Batman! I have a question for readers. Leave your answers in the comments. Assume for a (brief) moment that the next president had to be picked from one […]


Donald Colbert?

Colbert channels Trump:


The Upcoming Election

This pretty much sums up the upcoming election and the inevitable media response: © Brian McFadden Except isn’t it a refreshing change to have Bernie Sanders in the race? Not because I agree with his views, but just because it is nice to have someone on the left as a counterpoint to all the nut […]


Bush v Clinton Redux

Jeb Bush announced that he will “actively explore” running for president, and has even formed a Political Action Committee. Does this mean that the 2016 election will be the ultimate political dynasty deja vu? Well, yes. Barring any unforeseen catastrophe, that’s almost certainly going to be the lineup. In fact, just a few hours after […]


Perry Lunges; Colbert Parries

Stephen Colbert’s Super PAC’s first ad:
