Tuesday, October 27, 2015
One of my favorite political websites, Electoral Vote, has been ramping up for the (still relatively distant) presidential election. In the latest issue, they sum up an article from the NY Times that predicts that Marco Rubio will be the Republican nominee for president. First of all, they point out that exactly five years ago, […]
A Brit living in the US tells us everything we need to know about today’s election in Canada, and breaks the law in the process: UPDATE: “A Resounding Liberal Victory in Canada“. The conservatives were routed, going from holding a majority 159 seats in parliament to 99 seats in yesterday’s election. The Liberal party went […]
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Thursday, October 15, 2015
I like Bernie Sanders, and I’m really happy he is running for president. He brings a breath of fresh air to a country where the conversation has sometimes swung way too far to the right. But the debate last night highlighted why I would rather he not win the presidency. He conflates two things that […]
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Actual sound clips from Donald Trump, acted out by your drunk neighbor. You know, that guy who lives near you who has a drinking problem:
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Sunday, September 27, 2015
New York magazine has a fascinating article “The Importance of Donald Trump” that claims that “Far from destroying our democracy, he’s exposing all its phoniness and corruption in ways as serious as he is not.” They have a point. Trump is no worse than the rest of the GOP wing-nut presidential aspirants. At his most […]
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Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Things are looking pretty bad for Carly Fiorina when even Fox News points out that her high point of the last GOP debate was a lie. Chris Wallace points out to her that no fact checker has been able to find the horrific video that she claims exists: Do you acknowledge what every fact checker […]
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson said on NBC TV that he thinks Muslims are unfit to be president. He claims the president’s faith should be consistent with the US constitution. He was then asked if he considered Islam to be consistent, he said, “No I don’t, I do not. I would not advocate that we […]
Sunday, September 20, 2015
In the last GOP debate, Carly Fiorina quipped “If you want to stump a Democrat, ask them to name an accomplishment of Hillary Clinton.” The Republican audience lapped it up. Your involuntary response might be to try to think of a signature accomplishment for Clinton, and you might even have trouble coming up with one. […]
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Saturday, September 19, 2015
As usual, in America there is a market for just about everything. Do you think you know who will win the Republican nomination? Then you can bet on it! For example, as I write this shares in Carly Fiorna are down two cents to 20 cents, continuing their recent slide. Looks like the shine of […]
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Tuesday, September 1, 2015
As much as I hate posting about Donald Trump, he does give me a laugh. And this story is almost too ironic to believe. On Saturday, Trump told CNN that he is not interested in running attack ads on television. “I just want to talk about my accomplishments.” Really? What accomplishments? “I’m not looking to […]
© Tom Tomorrow Has the Republican Party gone past the point of no return? Do they have any legitimacy left? Or will it get worse? Stay tuned.
Does anyone else find it strange and inappropriate that Fox News gets to choose the candidates that will appear in the first Republican Presidential debate? It doesn’t help that they have been less than transparent about how they are picking, and the results of who they picked surprised a few people. Shouldn’t it be up […]
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Republican politicians figured out a long time ago that running for president was a good way to get lots of publicity (often for free). This resulted in the 2012 Republican primary having a mind numbing total of 20 television debates and a slew of additional debate-like events, including a Twitter debate sponsored by TheTeaParty.net. The […]
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Courtesy of Daniel Kurtzman at About.com, here are the top 10 crazy, vain, stupid, and just plain wrong things that have come out of the mouth of Donald Trump. The Republican Party can’t distance themselves from him. Trump is the current GOP. “He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured. […]
© Lalo Alcaraz As the things that come out of the mouth of Donald Trump become uglier and stupider, the more popular he gets with Republicans. He is now polling ahead of all other Republican presidential candidates. Doesn’t that tell you pretty much everything you need to know about the GOP?