Thursday, February 25, 2016
© Berkeley Breathed What a strange situation in which we find ourselves. Nobody ever took Donald Trump seriously. Especially not the media, who were pretty much responsible for creating him. Not even Fox News. The Republican party is still in denial. The establishment just knew that if they ignored Trump, he would crash and burn […]
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Chris Cillizza in the Washington Post makes a good case that, unless something cataclysmic happens, “Donald Trump is on course to win the 1,237 delegates he needs to be the GOP nominee“. After all, “Presidential politics is, at its core, all about math.” The math is complicated by the rules being different from state to […]
Monday, February 22, 2016
© GB Trudeau Not that I believe in Satan or anything, but if I did, I sure as heck would be wondering about some of the leading Republican presidential candidates. In fact, Trump wouldn’t even be my first choice for devil incarnate. After all, he missed sloth.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Stephen Colbert’s previous fake persona was a parody of blowhard Bill O’Reilly. Who knew that the two of them could have one of the most sensible and entertaining discussions about current politics? Heck, I even agree with a couple of O’Reilly’s points.
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Tuesday, February 9, 2016
© Jack Ohman With instant translations. Today is the New Hampshire primary. The first actual primary. Who is going to be voted off the island? Will Michael Bloomberg run for president after all? I’ve been predicting that Marco Rubio would win the GOP primary, but depending on what happens in New Hampshire (after Rubio did […]
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Ok, I agree with Bernie Sanders. I’m completely tired of news about Hillary Clinton’s private (but secured) email server. Latest “news” is that they found a whole 22 emails that contained some top secret information. Interestingly, Clinton was not the sender of those emails, they came from the CIA. But that hasn’t stopped the GOP […]
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© Jack Ohman Now that the Republican candidates are finally being narrowed down, the GOP establishment is trying to steer votes for the candidates that dropped out to Marco Rubio. Will it work? Or will when either Ted Cruz or Donald Trump drop out, will their anti-establishment votes go to the other? © Joel Pett
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Saturday, February 6, 2016
This week, Bernie Sanders finally learned the wrong lesson from Republicans with a tweet aimed at Clinton that said “You can be a moderate. You can be a progressive. But you cannot be a moderate and a progressive.” Doesn’t this sound suspiciously like GOP conservatives calling moderates RINOs (Republicans In Name Only)? It is this […]
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There is an interesting interview in Politico with Barack Obama from a week before the Iowa caucuses, talking about the 2016 election and what he thinks about Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders: Bernie came in with the luxury of being a complete long shot and just letting loose. I think Hillary came in with the […]
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
I think the results from the Iowa caucuses are the best outcome our country could have hoped for. For both parties, there was no clear winner. Ironically, this means completely opposite things for the two parties. On the Republican side, Ted Cruz pulled a surprise upset over Donald Trump, but Cruz is the evangelical candidate […]
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© Tom Tomorrow As we enter both primary season and awards season, the entertainment industry should give some awards to the political parties and the news media. Like, “most creative use of reality”, and individual awards to Trump for “best leading role in a situation comedy” and the rest of the Republican candidates for “best […]
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Wednesday, January 27, 2016
© Berkeley Breathed The bad news is that this presidential race is longer than any previous one in history. At least it is more entertaining than most (well, at least the Republican side). Anyone still think Trump will self destruct? Will Cruz pull ahead, despite the fact that nobody likes him? Will an establishment candidate […]
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
I love the fact that Bernie Sanders is running for president. Unlike most Democratic politicians he is not embarrassed to be called a liberal. Heck, he’s not even embarrassed to be called a socialist (even though he technically isn’t one). Like some Republican politicians he speaks his mind and doesn’t mince words, and unlike those […]
Thursday, January 21, 2016
The Republican presidential race might have reached a tipping point. Up until now, the GOP establishment has been primarily ignoring Donald Trump – hoping he will go away – or occasionally taking pot shots at him. To their dismay, these shots have completely (and unsurprisingly) backfired, mainly because the environment of anger, racism, and incivility […]
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
During Sunday night’s Democratic debate, the Republican National Committee did something unusual. They sent out four real-time emails to reporters defending Bernie Sanders against attacks from Hillary Clinton. One of the emails defended Sanders’ single-payer health care plan. Another offered a rebuttal to Clinton’s attack on Sanders over gun control. A third defended Sanders’ argument […]