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Tag Archives: Election

To Serve Mankind

© Tom Tomorrow Are you as tired of this primary as I am? Can we stop now? Maybe I’ll just post comics for the next few months, would that be ok?


Two Evils that are Equally Bad

© Jen Sorensen For the life of me, I keep changing my mind about who would be worse, Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. Most of the time, I think Cruz is worse, because he really believes the stupidity he spouts, and he knows he is right because, um, god talks to him. Then Trump does […]


One Year in the Future?

The Boston Globe has created a front page for their newspaper — one year in the future. It is a new world, where Donald Trump is the president, all illegal immigrants are being deported, the Dow has dropped 6000 in one month, the US military has been ordered to kill families of ISIS militants, and […]


The Tax Plans of the Candidates, Part 2

Part 1 covered how much each presidential candidate’s tax plan would affect the top 0.1% of households. But in part 2, let’s get personal. How will each candidate’s tax plans (if they are enacted) affect the taxes that you pay? Vox has created a simple widget to calculate this (if you can’t see it immediately […]


The Tax Plans of the Candidates, Part 1

Recently the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center published an analysis of the tax plans that each current presidential candidate has promised to enact (note that John Kasich has not published a tax plan). Mind you, it is Congress, not the president, who sets tax rates, but the president does have a fairly powerful bully pulpit from […]



© Jim Morin We’ve already discussed the idea of Hillary Clinton nominating Barack Obama to the Supreme Court. I love it. Speaking of revenge, Politico makes the case that Hillary Clinton should pick Al Franken as her Vice President. They have lots of good reasons, but the best one to me is that it would […]


The Soul of a Dying Party

© Ruben Bolling I think most of us are glued to this election the same way we are glued to horror movies. Will there be a happy ending?


The Hillary Voter?

It’s ironic. The media has been talking non-stop about who is voting for Bernie Sanders (anti-establishment young people) or who is voting for Donald Trump (anti-establishment white working-class men). Or as the New Republic puts it “The media has saturated us with profiles of the voters who are turning out for these anti-establishment candidates.” On […]


A History of Violence

The Democrats should play his video (from KnowPolitical) constantly during the election. Trump should not be in the White House, he should be in jail for incitement to violence.


Where’s the Money?

One of my favorite sites,, asks a very good question that I haven’t heard before: “How would Donald Trump Fund a General Election Campaign?” Most people assume he would just fund it himself with some of his billions, but it doesn’t work that way. A big percentage of Trump’s net worth is in his […]


Just the Issues has a short quiz on major issues facing our presidential candidates and voters trying to pick a candidate. While is is not clear (especially in this election) whether people even care about where candidates stand on the issues, it is interesting to see which candidates hold views similar to your own.



© Tom Tomorrow Efforts by the Republican establishment to “stop Trump” are virtually guaranteed to fail. Why? For three main reasons: 1. Just what the heck are they going to use to scare people away from Trump that GOP voters don’t already know about him? That he has no government experience? That he isn’t a […]


Presidential Penis Measuring Contest?

I promise, I will never say that this presidential race can’t go any lower. Stephen Colbert shows us what’s below rock bottom:


The Primary Beginning of the End

I know, less than half the primary delegates have been allocated, but it is starting to look like the primary season is wrapping up. On the Democratic side, The Daily Kos has announced that unless Sanders can narrow Clinton’s delegate lead by March 15 (less than a week away), then the entire site will declare […]


Emperor Trump?

© Tom Tomorrow Could anyone have imagined a presidential election this bizarre? It is almost like they invented a new propaganda technique. It is the political equivalent of the “big lie” – an election that is so unbelievable the voters have no idea what to do or who to believe. I mean, even “Emperor Trump” […]
