Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, who now works for CNN, says that there are “no more than four” names on Trump’s VP list. I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that Trump has four children over the age of 21. Although Jimmy Fallon also has a different possibility:
© Tom Tomorrow Here’s the survey that this comic references. And indeed, as you can plainly see from this graph showing America’s greatest year according to Trump supporters, the most popular year is 2000. Which ironically was the last full year of Bill Clinton’s presidency. Of course, the numbers are a bit more complex than […]
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Trump is definitely not making life easier for Republicans. As a possible sign of what is to come, incumbent Republican congresswoman Renee Ellmers was the first down-ballot GOP candidate to be endorsed by Donald Trump. Trump even recorded a robocall for her. But she was crushed in the North Carolina primary last weekend, far behind […]
A humorous look at the conflict between Clinton and Sanders supporters: Now the only question is, can we laugh at ourselves? Personally, I won’t belong to any political group that doesn’t have a healthy sense of humor.
Sanders supporters are angry at Clinton. Republicans are becoming aware that they have nominated a two-bit con artist. People are looking for an alternative! Yes, you’ve been rickrolled. But if you really like the shirt, you can click on the photo to find out where to buy it.
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After the AP called the Democratic nomination for Clinton, the Sanders campaign released a statement: It is unfortunate that the media, in a rush to judgement, are ignoring the Democratic National Committee’s clear statement that it is wrong to count the votes of superdelegates before they actually vote at the convention this summer. Now, I […]
If you live in one of the states that has a primary today, please vote. I don’t even care for whom you vote. People complain about the special interests in politics, but the main reason those special interests can get away with it is because most people don’t vote. Ignore the AP calling the primary […]
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© Tom Tomorrow So, when reading this did you find yourself agreeing with all the panels, except the ones that criticize your side? Hopefully, it won’t be too long before we look back at this whole mess and laugh (or yawn). Well, either that or we’ll be kicking ourselves because we have to live with […]
Church Lady returns to interview Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.
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Bernie Sanders currently has 1,399 delegates (counting both pledged and superdelegates). The Democratic candidate needs 2,383 delegates in order to win at the convention. For Sanders, 2,383 minus 1,399 equals 984. Sanders needs 984 additional delegates. If you add up all the available delegates in the remaining primaries, there are now a total of 933. […]
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© Scott Stantis I’m glad that Trump’s campaign has announced that he will be more “presidential”. But what (specifically) does that mean? And is it just me, or does he remind anyone else of Archie Bunker?
The general election has begun! Barring any unforeseen events, Hillary Clinton will definitely be the Democratic nominee. And while there are a few “foreseen” events that could stop Trump, they are becoming very unlikely, and most Republicans are resigned to the idea of him as their nominee. What does this mean? For his part, Trump […]
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Is there anyone out there who still doesn’t think that the two major candidates for president have now been picked? Not that I want anyone to drop out. I’m more than happy to have Sanders remain in the race, if for no other reason than for the sake of the Democratic Party platform. As for […]
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Donald Trump’s popularity is largely based on one simple premise, that he is so rich he can’t be bought, so he will not be beholden to special interests and the lobbyists who run Washington. Trump has repeatedly claimed that he hates lobbyists and that they can’t influence him. So why would anyone be surprised that […]
© Gary Varvel After gaming the political “game” any way he could for the last year, Donald Trump is complaining that the game is being rigged against him. Is he nuts? The GOP delegate rules haven’t changed recently, and Trump was just too lazy or stupid to pay any attention to them. But an article […]