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Tag Archives: Education

Perry Defends Abstinence Education

How can anyone watch this and take Rick Perry even slightly seriously. The man is a walking joke. I mean, he isn’t even smart enough to change the subject or otherwise deflect the issue. Which would be fine if he actually answered the question, rather than just stubbornly claiming that abstinence-only sex education works, when […]


Liberal Bias Bullshit

Conservatives continue to claim that major institutions like the media and universities have a liberal bias. Minnesota Republican Michele Bachmann went as far as to introduce a law that would make it illegal for university professors to discriminate against students who hold conservative views. But a new study shows that this type of bias does […]


A Modest Proposal

This letter to the editor was published in a newspaper in Michigan, after Governor Rick Snyder and the Republican-controlled legislature voted to cut the school budget by $300 per student, and redistribute some of the money to increase funding for prisons: Dear Governor Snyder, In these tough economic times, schools are hurting. And yes, everyone […]


Military Intelligence

In 1946 the article “The Sources of Soviet Conduct” was published, laying out the policy of containment that proposed that the best way to defeat the Soviet Union was not to attack it, but to contain it. If the US was able to merely counteract Soviet influence, then the internal problems of their communist system […]



© Joel Pett At least someone is defending teachers — Students.


Political Cronyism Lives on in the Tea Party

The Tea Party promised to get away from crony politics as usual, so why is it that new South Carolina governor Nikki Haley just dumped a widely respected member of the University of South Carolina Board of Trustees and replaced her with someone who donated money to Haley’s political campaign? Students at the university reacted […]


Not Entirely Impossible

After all, Costa Rica abolished its military, choosing instead to spend the money on security, education, and culture. © Ruben Bolling


I Couldn’t Do It Without You

© Joel Pett


The Dumbing Down of America

© Clay Bennett Once upon a time, about 50 years ago, we had higher taxes and spent it on things like education and space exploration, which led to the technology and products we enjoy today. But now, a majority of high school biology teachers don’t even teach evolution, ranking us 34th out of 35 developed […]


GOP Platform

© Bill Schorr The only thing the GOP seems to unequivocally support is the military, so it makes sense!


Burden Shift

© Matt Davies What is the worst thing we can do to our future generations? Saddle them with a huge national debt, or give them a substandard education so they can’t compete in the world job market. Right now, it seems like we are doing both. I know this is considered blasphemy in some circles, […]


The Dumbing Down of America

If you ever doubted the decline of the American empire, a new report shows that the number of Americans obtaining college degrees is declining. Bottom line: Americans aged 25-34 have less education than their parent’s generation. Americans have always aspired to give their children a better life, but we seem to be backsliding. A few […]


Teaching Stupidity!

Occidental College in Los Angeles is offering a course on stupidity. Here’s the course description: 180. STUPIDITY. Stupidity is neither ignorance nor organicity, but rather, a corollary of knowing and an element of normalcy, the double of intelligence rather than its opposite. It is an artifact of our nature as finite beings and one of […]


Advice for Schoolchildren

© Chan Lowe Ironically (especially given this cartoon), Laura Bush is defending Obama’s school speech, saying it is “really important for everyone to respect the President of the United States.” The full text of Obama’s speech to schoolchildren.
