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Tag Archives: Economy

The Mother of All TARPs

I wanted to call this “Son of TARP” but as Jon Stewart points out, this was 11 times bigger than TARP. Plus the government lied about it. Is there any doubt at all that we have government of the banks, by the banks, and for the banks?


Fighting Climate Change One Couch at a Time

Jessie and Albott ©Joe Weil Cartoonist Joe Weil is a high school student from New York. I just happened to be thinking about whether Political Irony had a youth demographic when I received a couple of unsolicited cartoon submissions from Joe. Bingo, we have at least one! I liked the witty sarcasm of his submissions […]


Middle Class: Meet Wile E Coyote

©Walt Handelsman Handelsman’s cartoon looks like a history lesson illustration portraying the position of the middle class in 1970. It makes current sense as a variant on Roadrunner cartoons where the coyote spins his wheels over the chasm for 10 years before the 30 year drop to the bottom of the canyon. Humor is never […]


Econ4: Economists Encouraging Economic Empathy

Econ4 is an association of economists who have joined to advance this mission: The economic crisis we face today is not only a crisis of the economy. It is also a crisis of economics. The free-market fundamentalism that attained ideological dominance in the final decades of the 20th century has been discredited by financial collapse, […]


Why All the Whining? I Like Things Just the Way They Are.

©Ben Sargent One of the reasons we, as a nation, can’t agree on the answers is we’re not even clear on the questions. Is the economy for the 1% or should it work for 100%? The Center for Communication and Civic Engagement at the University of Washington has an interesting project called “What’s the Economy […]


Are Your Boxers American Made?

Have you been shopping for underwear lately? If you start checking the labels you’ll find it’s hard to find Made In The USA down there. If you try, you might find made in Canada – OK by me – but most of all it’s made in China and that’s not OK  … and it’s not OH, SC […]


We Weld America Made In China

I purchased online these “WE WELD AMERICA” gloves made by Tillman Co. When they arrived, the fine print on the label said, “MADE IN CHINA”. American products made in China are so ubiquitous that it should be assumed, left unsaid. – Iron Filing


Trick Or Treat!

© Tom Toles Occupy Hallowe’en?


What part of “land of opportunity” don’t you understand?

Sometimes I wonder if Matt Taibbi is the only political pundit not just with any brains, but with any common sense. First, go read his blog post “OWS’s Beef: Wall Street Isn’t Winning – It’s Cheating“. Go ahead. It’s short and should be required reading. I’ll wait for you here… OK, you’re back. How blind […]


Poverty Eliminated?

© Tom Tomorrow I’m not sure why this is a comic — it sound just like things I’m actually hearing on the news.


Bankers have feelings, too!

© Tom Tomorrow Sometimes I think the only thing that keeps the greedy ones from completely taking over is that they eventually start believing their own PR and screw up.


Whose Job is He Worried About?

© Rob Rogers Despite promising to fight for jobs, the Republicans did not even allow a vote on Obama’s jobs bill. Even more telling is their alternative “Jobs Through Growth Act” bill. It doesn’t contain a single item in Obama’s jobs bill (even though Republicans supported many of Obama’s proposals before Obama proposed them), but […]


The Wall Street Spring

© Lalo Alcaraz What took us so long?


Broke and Broker

Jon Stewart interviews Michael Lewis, who talks about the new third world — countries like Iceland and Greece that have gone broke — and the funny and ironic ways it happened. Watch both parts:


Explaining What Should Be Obvious

Why do the Wall Street protestors need a spokesperson? It seems pretty obvious why they are protesting. The other panel members were Republicans. For most of the show, Alan just sat quietly, which really surprised and disappointed me. Then suddenly, he let them have it. It was great. I just wish that the camera had […]
