The Senate Banking committee started hearings on the recent problems at JP Morgan (which even Mornan’s chairman said were “sloppy” and “stupid” and would increase the pressure for additional regulation). But thanks to generous donations of campaign cash, the hearing got turned into a circus. Committee members weren’t about to actually, you know, investigate any […]
© Tom Tomorrow Tom Tomorrow says that you “should imagine the Austerions speaking in full, booming voices, with the reverb cranked up high.” Oh, and it looks like Paul Krugman recognized himself in the 4th panel. What I don’t understand is why we listen to our own Austerions, when it should be a dead give-away […]
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Last week, the largest bank in the US admitted that it had made a very stupid and risky investment and had lost an incredible $2 billion. What makes this ironic is that JP Morgan has been one of the strongest voices arguing against regulations on banks. Indeed, Morgan had weathered the 2008 financial meltdown relatively […]
© Brian McFadden I’ve never understood the whole current austerity fad thing. I mean, businesses are showing record profits, the stock market is way up. Don’t get me wrong, we do need to conserve natural resources, but that doesn’t mean we have to lower our quality of life. In fact, not burning tons of polluting […]
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In an interview in Ohio, Mitt Romney tried to take credit for the recovery of the auto industry: I pushed the idea of a managed bankruptcy. And finally, when that was done, and help was given, the companies got back on their feet. So I’ll take a lot of credit for the fact that this […]
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Jimmy Fallon has a special musical guest on his show, live from the University of North Carolina:
© Ruben Bolling Actually, I wish it worked more like this.
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© Kevin Kallaugher I know it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if someone is manipulating gas prices in order to hurt Obama. UPDATE: Meanwhile, the public is not sure whom to blame for high gas prices. I know who is to blame for that — the media for […]
Back in 2008 when gas prices spiked, Fox News said “no President has the power to increase or to lower gas prices.” And that the best way to reduce gas prices is to reduce consumption, so Americans should “get rid of those gas guzzlers, buy decent insulation for your house.” But now, Fox News is […]
© Clay Bennett Personally, I think bailouts of any kind are a bad idea, even when they work. However, it is still hilarious to see Republicans campaigning in Michigan against the bailout of the auto industry.
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012
© Chip Bok Maybe the Fiat company knows something that we haven’t figured out yet — that American workers are just fine, it is just American top management that sucks. But it is ironic that Clint Eastwood first got famous by starring in Italian spaghetti westerns, and now he is creating a stir by doing […]
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Clint Eastwood in a stirring commercial aired by Chrysler during the Superbowl: Ironically, Eastwood is a libertarian-leaning Republican who endorsed John McCain in the 2008 presidential election. UPDATE: Think this ad is political? Then you should read this. Why aren’t you complaining about the Skechers ad that is clearly a metaphor for Newt Gingrich’s campaign […]
I’m a great believer in following the money, so I often wonder where Mitt Romney gets most of his campaign money? It doesn’t seem to be from the Republican base, unless if you consider Wall Street to be the (real) Republican base. Romney has raised millions from Wall Street. In fact, Romney has received more […]
Thursday, December 8, 2011
© Tom Tomorrow Given the situation, why was the media so surprised by the Occupy Wall Street protests? Oh that’s right, the media is owned by the one percent!
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Thursday, December 8, 2011
Commentary by Ed Stein: I couldn’t resist this one. After seeing ads for expensive new cars with big gift bows on top, diamond necklaces and fancy winter vacations, I started wondering what the average American will be getting from Santa this year. With so many unemployed, so many forced out of their homes, so many […]
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