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Tag Archives: Economy

The Damage Done

Sanford Weill, the former CEO of Citigroup, has a change of heart: But is it too late?


Short Sighted

As if it weren’t bad enough that Republicans were deliberately blocking bills that would help the economy, in order to win elections. We almost expect that of them. But this is the height of cynicism and hypocrisy. Ohio’s Senate race is neck-and-neck, with progressive Sherrod Brown pitted against Republican Josh Mandel. Mandel vocally opposed raising […]


The Manchurian Candidate

Lost in all the brouhaha about Mitt Romney’s gaffe-o-rama in England is the fact that one of the main things he did while in London is hold a fundraising dinner in a foreign city, where scandal-plagued international bankers paid $25,000 to $75,000 a plate to support his election campaign. That’s right. Romney is explicitly asking […]


GOP Jobs bill more likely to kill people than create jobs

After promising to concentrate on creating jobs after the 2010 election, Republicans are finally tearing their attention away from abortion, gays, and other social issues and are pushing a bill that they claim will create jobs. There’s just one problem. In fact, economists say that the bill won’t create any jobs in the next three […]


The Bain of His Existence

© Kevin Siers It seems to be a common GOP tactic, to accuse your opponent of things of which you yourself are guilty. But in this case, I’m not sure that strategy will work. Romney is already too much like Obama for conservatives. © Tom Tomorrow


The Cost of Obstructionism

I’m not sure if I completely agree with all of their reasoning, but there is an interesting article in the Daily Kos that presents lots of evidence that if it were not for GOP obstructionism, that unemployment would currently be under 6%. The best argument they make is that in the past when we had […]


The Definition of Fake History

Steve Kornacki has a new show on MSNBC called “The Cycle”, and if it keeps doing stories like this, he’s going to be great. Kornacki points out that Obama’s proposed tax increase on the rich is exactly the same thing that Bill Clinton did when he was president. Back then, Republicans claimed that it would […]


As I say, not as I do

The next time Romney tries to blame Obama for disappointing job numbers, someone should remind him of what he said at a press conference in 2006 to reporters who were trying to hold him accountable for disappointing job creation numbers from his time as governor: You guys are bright enough to look at the numbers. […]


Venn Diagrams

The Romney campaign draws some Venn Diagrams, proving that they don’t understand how Venn Diagrams work: This is how a Venn Diagram works: Besides, everyone knows why unemployment is still high — Republicans have sabotaged the economy over and over again. They filibustered the American Jobs Act, stonewalled the stimulus, threatened a US default (and […]


What Would Happen If We Threw Corrupt Bankers in Jail, Rather Than Throwing Billions of Dollars At Them?

(did I say billions? I meant trillions) Dubya threw money at the banksters. Obama threw even more money at the banksters. We were told we “had to do it” or our economy would collapse. And that all that money we threw at the banks would trickle down to us. Hah! We fell for that one […]


You Can’t Touch That!

© Jim Morin The actual quote was from Laura Ingraham’s radio show. She asked Romney if Obama’s claim that the economy is getting better is true. Romney replied: Well of course it’s getting better. The economy always gets better after the recession. There’s always a recovery. There’s never been a time anywhere in the world […]


One Bad Turn Deserves Another

© Tom Toles We know what the problem is, and we know how to fix it. Will we have the guts and political will? Or will the car wrecks continue?


If you have to sabotage the economy to win, your ideas suck

I’m more and more impressed by Eclectablog, whose plain-speaking posts are like a breath of fresh air during this election season. A good example is the recent post there by LOLGOP “The GOP is Threatening Your Job“, which is about Republican efforts to sabotage the economy. The GOP figured out that if the economy is […]


Not intended to be a factual statement

© Mike Luckovich © Jim Morin The election is almost upon us. Is everyone ready for the silly season?


Grecian Formula

© Jim Morin The GOP solution of “starve the beast” and tax cuts for the rich didn’t work for Greece. Heck, it didn’t work for us just a few short years ago. In fact, it has never worked. So why do voters keep believing them? I realize the following numbers only reflect which party controlled […]
