Thursday, August 13, 2015
John Oliver on corporate welfare of the worst kind: And the biggest hypocrite of all is presidential candidate Scott Walker, who claims to be a fiscal conservative (he’s famous for his union busting tactics and for deep cuts to the state university system). Walker just gave away $450 million of taxpayer money to build a […]
On Thursday, 80 CEOs of big corporations published a statement pushing Congress to reduce the deficit. Unfortunately, they published it in the Wall Street Journal, so you have to be someone with a subscription in order to read it (how apropos!). To their credit, they encourage not just more spending cuts, but also higher tax […]
I don’t know why we fall for really stupid economic theories, but it may have something to do with the huge amount of money being spent to convince 99% of Americans that it will be good for us to give all our money to the 1%. First it was “trickle down economics” until that was […]
I’ve talked about patents many times in this blog, but this hilarious video from Last Week Tonight will remind you that Congress is starting to reconsider patent reform again. I hope they do something about it this time. Patent trolls are already costing us trillions of dollars and putting a huge damper on our economy.
Everybody, including Republicans, like to tout small businesses as the strongest source of economic development. It is where most new jobs come from, not to mention new ideas. Which is why people should shake their heads when Gov. (and likely presidential candidate) Scott Walker brags about his record in Wisconsin. A major study released this […]
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Thursday, February 26, 2015
I’ve posted a number of stories (here, here, or here) about the conservative experiment going on in Kansas sponsored by the Koch brothers. It involves (in case you can’t guess) massive tax cuts for business (they pay no taxes), and massive cuts in education, roads, and social services. Ultra-conservative governor Sam Brownback predicted “enormous prosperity” […]
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Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Now that Michele Bachmann has retired from Congress, it looks like Ted Cruz is stepping up to fill the void. Even though Cruz is much smarter (and thus far more dangerous) than Bachmann, he seems to be using her playbook. Case in point. You know how Republicans have fought tooth and nail for tax cuts […]
Another ironic situation is shaping up. In the Daily Beast, Michael Tomasky points out that Republicans have started talking about stagnant wages as a way to attack Obama. For example, John Boehner, upon being reelected (barely) as Speaker of the House, spoke on the House floor: In recent months our economy has showed signs of […]
So what did the new Republican-controlled Congress decide was their first order of business this week? On their very first day, they decided that the most important thing to do was attack Social Security. But they did it in a sneaky and underhanded way. The House passed a new rule that, as the LA Times […]
© Lee Judge I’ve made my fair share of bad predictions, but at least I try to admit it when I’m wrong. But some people seem to make a career out of being constantly wrong. Take Grover Norquist (please!), who has announced (without irony) that he “would like Republicans to shut up about how bad […]
Saturday, December 27, 2014
America is Awesome! The U.S. economy grew at a rollicking 5 percent rate in the third quarter. Oh, and it added 320,000 jobs in November, the best of its unprecedented 57 straight months of private-sector employment growth. Just in time for Christmas, the Dow just hit an all-time high and the uninsured rate is approaching […]
I hope everyone reading this blog also keeps up with Matt Taibbi, one of my heroes. Taibbi just published another article in Rolling Stone, pointing out once again (and with lots of facts) how our government is so completely owned by the banking industry. The article tells the ongoing story of a former manager at […]
I hoped that there would be a huge public outcry about what happened to Carmen Segarra, but so far it has been all but ignored by the mainstream media. Have you ever wondered how all our banks and financial institutions started failing, forcing us to bail them out, and nobody saw it coming? If yes, […]
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Republicans oppose raising the minimum wage because they claim that it will cost jobs. Despite the fact that there is plenty of evidence of the opposite. After all, if working-class people earn more money, they spend it. If rich people make more money, they send it to offshore tax havens! But here’s something interesting. An […]
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Maurice Greenberg, the former CEO (and major shareholder) of AIG, the insurance giant that was on the brink of bankruptcy before being bailed out by the government in 2008, is suing the government, demanding billions of dollars in compensation. Why? Greenberg claims that “the government ripped him and other stockholders off by failing to negotiate […]