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Tag Archives: Economy

Merry Christmas!


Third-world shopping in the US

It wasn’t that long ago that Americans travelled to third world countries to shop for cheap handicrafts and other products. Now, the New York Times reports that a flood of Mexicans are crossing the border, but now north to the US to pick up cheap products. Are we becoming the new third-world for rich foreigners? […]


The modern story of Christmas

© Matt Bors


A Christmas Crisis Carol

T’was the Time of the Big Crash by Tim Stewart T’was the time of the Big Crash, when all through The Street, Merry traders flogged worthless paper, growing their bonus heap. Derivatives were shunted ‘round the world without care, Knowing St. Greenspan soon would proclaim, “No bubble there!” Over-leveraged homeowners were nestled all snug in […]


How would you like $2.6 Million for being a failure?

An in-depth study of government records by the Associated Press shows that the banks that are receiving government bailouts paid their top executives nearly $1.6 billion in salaries, bonuses, and other benefits last year. The average amount paid to each of the banks’ top executives was $2.6 million — not bad for someone whose business […]


Locking the barn door

© Tom Toles


Goldman Sachs Sucks

How does Goldman Sachs repay us for bailing them out to the tune of $10 billion? Of course, by moving all their money overseas so they wouldn’t have to pay taxes on it. They managed to get their effective tax rate for 2008 down to below 1% (it was over 34% in 2007). As Congressman […]


The Turnaround

© Tom Toles


The blessing of the SUVs

Here’s another one of those stories that truly wins the irony award. In Princess Sparkle Pony’s Photo Blog (subtitle “I keep track of Condoleezza’s hairdo so you don’t have to”) is a story about a recent service at the Greater Grace Temple in Detroit. The title of the article is “Programming Note: This Week, the Part […]


Dogbert explains subprime mortgages

© Scott Adams


Support an Executive


Donuts to Dollars

© Tom Toles


Avoid the Rush

© Gary Varvel


Sock it to ’em

© Jeff Danziger


Unemployment hits the Grinch
