Wednesday, November 4, 2009
© Mike Thompson © Dan Wasserman
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Here is an interesting graph, showing the year-over-year growth of the Gross Domestic Product over the last two decades for the G7 countries, the seven major western economies. You can click on it to see a larger image: There are several interesting things we can see from this graph: The current economic mess started early […]
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Friday, September 11, 2009
Warren Buffett, who is the second richest man in the world, met with Senate Democrats yesterday, and told them that the rich are not paying enough taxes. One of those Democrats, Claire McCaskill (D-MO) put it this way: It was interesting to see someone who is such an aggressive capitalist, who believes so much in […]
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Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Over at Zero Hedge there is a brilliant article about the National Debt. I’m not going to quote from it, or summarize it. Just go read it. Read the whole thing. Doesn’t matter if you agree with it — it is the funniest thing I’ve read in months.
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John Oliver of The Daily Show on Timothy Geithner:
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It was bad enough when Goldman Sachs decided to pay out huge bonuses to its top employees, when it wasn’t so long ago that we were bailing them out. But banks are generally now doing well. The exception to this is Morgan Stanley, who just announced their third quarterly loss, and even admitted that it […]
What’s ironic about this is that banks actually are making up for their losses by increasing their fees. The conclusion? “We [bank customers] will have to be on our toes to avoid getting tripped up.”
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© Stuart Carlson Paul Krugman, on the massive bonuses that Goldman Sacks is preparing to hand out to their employees (an average of over $1 million per employee!), just a few months after the massive federal bailout, and why this is almost certainly very bad for America. And Andy Borowitz reports that Goldman Sachs is […]
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This cartoon is ironic because the cartoonist, Gary Varvel, is a fairly right-wing conservative. But if you interpret the Red firetruck as the Republican Party (refusing to spend stimulus money) then the cartoon takes on almost the opposite meaning of what the cartoonist probably intended. © Gary Varvel
I’ve heard of marrying someone for their money, but this is a new twist. It turns out that back in 2004, an Securities and Exchanges lawyer warned that Bernie Madoff’s business “didn’t add up”. She even asked for further investigation. Madoff, of course, was running a massive ponzi scheme that ended up bilking investors out […]
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