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Tag Archives: Economy

Move Your Money!

Are you upset about the Wall Street Banks that are “too big to fail”? You know, the ones that brought our economy to the brink of financial disaster and then sucked up our tax money in the bailout?  Yes, the bailout that was sold to us as a way to increase credit in order to […]


The last decade wasn’t called the “naughts” for nothing!

The first decade of the new millennium was the first time since we started keeping records when we failed to create any new jobs. Not only that, but it was the first decade when the average net worth of American families declined. From the Washington Post: There has been zero net job creation since December […]


Quotes of the Decade – a quiz

David Sirota has put together a great list of the top 10 quotations of the decade. Interestingly, most of them are from 2009. Rather than list some of them here, here is a little quiz. Test your knowledge! “They frankly own the place.” — which Senator let slip the real relationship between banks and Congress? […]


2009 – The Year in Political Cartoons

Daryl Cagle has captured 2009 in political cartoons. Here is one of them: If you like this one, go view the rest of them.


What if we swapped the TSA and the Fed?

From Emanuel Derman’s Blog: Trading Places I had a fantasy in which the Fed and the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) switched roles. If a bank failed at 9 a.m. one morning and shut its doors, the TSA would announce that all banks henceforth begin their business day at 10 a.m. And, if a terrorist managed […]


The US Chamber of Commerce is taking advantage of the current economic problems to advocate for the very things that caused the problems

While local Chambers of Commerce are generally a good thing, at the national level the US Chamber of Commerce has become a shill for multinational corporate interests. Their latest project is spending millions of dollars on a PR campaign to convince Americans to give corporations even more free reign. The Chamber is running four minute […]


What if?

© Joel Pett Do we really have to be completely dependent on foreign oil, pollution, and unsustainable practices in order to have jobs? Really?


If something is too big to fail, all it can do is fail

A fascinating article in Ars Technica about Internet Service Providers got me going on the issue of “too big to fail”. In the article, they talk about how many people are unhappy with their ISPs. “If complaints aren’t about delivering the promised speeds, they’re about the crappy customer service, billing problems, frequent outages, and the […]


Why Jobs Lag the Economic Recovery

© Matt Davies This comic is the one of the clearest explanations of why in every recession we have ever had, the unemployment rate remain high for years after the economy starts improving. Employers will only start thinking about hiring after they are sure they will have the revenues to pay those workers. After all, […]


The drunken sailors are blaming Obama for their own hangovers

You know things have gotten pretty ironic when it is the Libertarians defending Obama. What wasn’t ironic was the attack from Fox News that prompted the defense — their article “Obama Shatters Spending Record for First-Year Presidents” (which was promptly picked up by the Drudge Report): President Obama has shattered the budget record for first-year […]


Empty Thanksgiving

© Ed Stein From the cartoonist: I had some qualms about drawing this one. I toyed with a number of Thanksgiving themes–the president pardoning the turkey, the Thanksgiving feast, both contemporary and historical, linking these images with other events like the Afghanistan decision or Wall Street bonuses–but I decided against them. Too predictable or too […]


America Needs Fewer Jobs

© Joel Pett


The Lloyd’s Prayer

Our Chairman, Who Art At Goldman, Blankfein Be Thy Name. The Rally’s Come. God’s Work Be Done On Earth As There’s No Fear Of Correction. Give Us This Day Our Daily Gains, And Bankrupt Our Competitors As You Taught Lehman and Bear Their Lessons. And Bring Us Not Under Indictment. For Thine Is The Treasury, […]


The Irony of Greed

An article in the NY Times points out with stark evidence what everyone already knows — our politicians are bought and paid for by large corporations and their lobbyists. More than a dozen lawmakers — both Democrats and Republicans — gave speeches that were written (sometimes wholly) by lobbyists working for Genentech, one of the […]


So Much Work to be Done

© Joel Pett
