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Tag Archives: Economy

Your own self interest?

© Tom Tomorrow Why is it that the people who complain the loudest about big government are the first ones to turn to it when they have a problem? UPDATE: Even the Wall Street Journal notes that there have been many problems with foreclosures, despite banks’ claims to the contrary. The problems prompted a strong […]


What if Obama cut taxes, and nobody noticed?

When surveyed whether Obama had raised or lowered taxes, less than 10% respond that Obama has lowered their federal taxes. And yet, since entering office, Obama lowered taxes for over 90% of the population. Making this even more ironic, those tax cuts were part of the stimulus bill, a bill which right-wingers routinely attack while […]


The Last Two Workers in the US

© Ted Rall If businesses won’t start hiring until demand picks up, and consumers won’t start buying until they have jobs, then this scenario doesn’t seem to be that far fetched.


Catch 22

© Ed Stein The economy is stuck in a weird Catch-22 right now. Corporate profits are soaring and businesses are sitting on mountains of cash. Historically, when business profits go up, workers share in the bounty; they get raises and more workers are hired. Not this time. Businesses want to see the economy to turn […]


Towed Away

© Rex Babin I guess we will find out in November the shortness of Americans’ attention span.


Sacrifice is for the little people

You may or may not like Paul Krugman, but he has a must-read rant in the NY Times called “The Angry Rich“. Here are a few quotes, but the whole (fairly short) thing is worth a read: Anger is sweeping America. … No, I’m not talking about the Tea Partiers. I’m talking about the rich. […]


GOP Platform

© Bill Schorr The only thing the GOP seems to unequivocally support is the military, so it makes sense!


Whose course should we chart?

The stimulus bill (not to be confused with TARP, which was passed by Bush) was Obama’s first major act to improve the ailing economy. Republicans opposed it vehemently. So how did it perform? If you divide jobs into those lost before the stimulus, to those lost after the stimulus, it looks like this: from Robert […]


Political Stimulus

© Rob Rogers Election season is upon us. Let the negative campaigning (fed by unlimited amounts of corporate cash) begin!


Taking this Lying Down?

© Jimmy Margulies The same people who opposed every effort to fix the economy are now profiting from the bad economy.


Serving the Middle Class

© Tom Toles Are those tears, or drool?


The Road to Recovery

© Matt Bors Just how stupid are we?


Wall Street Journal on letting the Bush Tax Cuts expire

The Wall Street Journal (hardly a hotbed of wealth redistribution) published this interesting graph showing the tax load for various income levels under Bush’s tax policies versus Obama’s tax policies: As Bob Cesca points out: It turns out that allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire will only hurt people earning more than $300,000 per […]


Killing two birds with one stone: immigration and jobs!

© Ed Stein


The Cuts That Hurt Us

© Matt Davies I received an email from one of my readers with the following comment: I had a thought today when hearing one of the Republicans talking about how the tax cuts for the top brackets need to stay the same was because keeping the tax cut would allow them to create jobs. But […]
