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Tag Archives: Economy

Fiscal Conservative Magic

© Ruben Bolling I think Bush Sr. had it right when he called it “Voodoo Economics”. But he too fell sway to the dark side.


The Deficit Is Not Default of Obama

[Reposted from Truthout, written by Greg Palast] Charles Dickens’ “Oliver Twist” gave debtors’ prison a bad rap. Too bad. I’d say that locking away GOP Majority Leader Eric Cantor in a penitentiary for deadbeats seems like a darn good idea. Let’s talk about how we ended up in this pickle, bucking up against the “debt […]


The Truth About Economic Growth

Business Insider put together an interesting chart showing GDP minus government spending. In other words, it shows economic growth coming from the private sector (not from stimulus spending): The shaded part is the recession, where by early 2009 (when Obama took office) the economy was shrinking by 7.5%. But less than a year later, the […]


Budget Stand-off

© Jen Sorensen I’m having trouble finding good comics to post about the Debt Ceiling Mud Wrestling Match for a couple of reasons. First, I’m reluctant to post comics (like this one) that exaggerate, since the reality of the situation is bizarre enough. And second, there really isn’t much that is funny about the situation. […]


Vending Machine Jobs

© Matt Wuerker We’re doing everything the Republicans said we should do to create jobs. We cut taxes on the rich to the lowest they have been in 60 years, we reduced government spending, corporate profits are up. So where are the jobs?


Being Homeless is Expensive

Want to save money — lots of money — on homeless people? Give them free housing! The United Way of Los Angeles studied four people who had been living on the streets, then they put them into free apartments and got them access to free support services. Interestingly, it cost the government less money than […]


What Would Reagan Do?

If Reagan were in charge now (and still alive), he would raise taxes, which is exactly what he did when he was president. As Politico points out, Obama’s proposed increases in revenues are smaller than the ones that Reagan proposed, and Republicans approved, in order to decrease deficits. And contrary to what the reality-challenged Republicans […]


Bipartisan Agreement

© Wolf Grulkey The Republicans think that the worse the economy, the better they will do in the next election. After all, it worked in the 2010 election. How long before we wise up? Nineteen different polls since the start of 2011 show that Americans support raising taxes to reduce the deficit, often by a […]


The New World Order

Salon has an interesting and fairly convincing article that claims the reason our social contract is unraveling is because the American people have “outlived their usefulness to the rich”. Even the robber barons of the 19th century depended on the poor and the middle class to work in their factories, buy the resulting goods, and […]


Republicans Want the Economy to Suck

Last week, the number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits went up, causing widespread speculation that even though corporate profits are up, the economy is not recovering from the great recession and may even be heading for a dreaded “double dip recession”. One of the main things being blamed for this problem is high energy […]


Your Corporate-Owned Media At Work

This really pissed me off. As Jon Stewart pointed out, the mainstream media isn’t interested in news, they are only interested in sensation and scandal. Want proof? Nancy Pelosi calls a press conference to talk about jobs and the economy, but it coincidentally gets scheduled the day that Anthony Weiner is going to announce his […]


Speculating on Starvation

We’ve seen lots of talk about bubbles destroying our economy, but what are we doing to try to make sure we don’t have another one? A bubble is caused by artificially inflated demand for a commodity. For example, the real estate bubble was caused by people who bought houses because they wanted a good investment […]


Robert Reich Explains the Economy

Robert Reich explains what went wrong with our economy in just over two minutes: Reich was Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton, when the economy was booming and the deficit was eliminated. He also served in the administration of Republican President Ford. And you know what? Despite all the misinformation being thrown around right now, […]


The Democratic Budget

© Jim Morin The Republicans keep repeating the lie that the Democrats don’t have a plan to balance the budget, but they do, and it is a surprisingly good and balanced plan. Not only does it do all of the things listed in the above comic, it eliminates the deficit in 10 years. This is […]


The Beast

© Tom Toles Republicans, who voted against every single bill that Obama came up with to help jumpstart the economy, spent their debate last night attacking Obama for not doing enough about the economy. But their only answer is lower taxes, which ignores the fact that one third of the cost of Obama’s stimulus bill […]
