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Tag Archives: Economy

Want to know what the Wall Street Protestors are upset about?

© Steve Sack Every time someone complains about the protestors blocking traffic or causing some other inconvenience, I just have to laugh. Like the bankers who destroyed the economy didn’t cause any inconveniences at all.


Investment Opportunity

© Ed Stein With all the attacks on entitlements, we should also go after how Wall Street feels they are entitled to massive bailouts along with obscene profits and bonuses.


Nonviolent Class Warfare

© Ben Sargent Meanwhile, Wall Street remains occupied. The protests are growing and have spread to new cities. And even the mainstream media is now talking about the protests.


The Octangulator

© Jen Sorensen Sorensen has some interesting commentary to go with this comic about Obama’s seeming hyper-cautiousness. From the NY Times: A Democratic Congressional adviser, granted anonymity to discuss party deliberations, said: “We’re at a loss to figure out a way to articulate the argument [for economic stimulus] in a way that doesn’t get us […]


Cliff Notes

© Tom Tomorrow Never negotiate with a crazy person.


Suffer the Children

Child poverty is a leading predictor of how our country is going to do in the future. Children (especially very young children) who experience poverty have more difficulty learning and are much less successful as adults. They are less likely to graduate from high school, more likely to become very young parents, and will earn […]


GOP Favors Tax Hike!

© Stuart Carlson The GOP wants you to think that they are against raising taxes, so much that they claim that letting a tax cut expire counts as raising taxes (for example, in the case of the Bush tax cuts for the rich). So why are the Republicans trying to stop Obama from extending the […]


Corruption in America

After Standard and Poor downgraded the debt rating of the US, some people noticed that this was the same company that had given AAA ratings to some of the real estate derivatives that had recently gone south. Not only that, but the result of the downgrade was that the stock market dropped, and people reacted […]


Doomed to Repeat the Past?

In 1936, our country was in an even more dire situation than we find ourselves in today. We were heading into the second dip of the Great Depression, with unemployment around 15%. The banking industry was fighting reforms, and monopolies ruled the economy. But FDR didn’t let that stop him. He gave a now-famous speech […]


Austerity Survival Guide

© Brian McFadden


Actual government spending has gone down

A recent PolitiFact article reminded me of an old saying attributed to Mark Twain: “Figures never lie, but liars figure”. The article rates the truthfulness of a statement by Mitt Romney during the Republican presidential debate last week, where he said that under president JFK “government took up” 27% of the economy, while today it […]


Follow the Money

Is anyone at all surprised to find out that the Chairman, President, and CEO of the company that owns and operates Standard & Poor’s is a frequent and big money contributor to the Republican Party and to their candidates, causes, and PACs? This includes money to the National Republican Congressional Committee, the National Republican Senatorial […]



Now all countries with a AAA credit rating have universal health care.


War of the Financial Worlds

Is anyone else suspicious about the S&P downgrading the US credit rating (for the first time in modern history)? Their decision is clearly all about politics. They even said that they weren’t downgrading the US government’s debt as much as they were downgrading the US government because they don’t like it. Is this the banking […]


Let there be no doubt

© Matt Davies The Dow dropped over 500 points today, its worst day in three years.
