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Tag Archives: Drugs

And Justice Wept

What happened to the American dream? The dream that anyone can make it if they work hard enough, and maybe have a little luck. That “you can make it if you try”. The dream that all men are created equal, and that nobody is above the law. As if it wasn’t bad enough that corporations […]


Such a Meaningless Waste of Lives

© Brian McFadden What other horrible and frightening things will happen when we legalize the demon weed? Let’s find out!


The First One’s Free!

© Ruben Bolling I just don’t get it. Medical marijuana should be a no brainer. We have plenty of prescription drugs that are far more dangerous than marijuana, yet routinely prescribed by doctors to alleviate pain. Why is marijuana different?


Obama Wages a Very Dumb War

In 2002, then Illinois state senator Barack Obama gave a stirring speech where he said these (now-famous) words: I don’t oppose all wars. What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul […]


Dope Saves Lives

That’s right. A new study shows that states that have legalized medical marijuana averaged a 9% decrease in traffic fatalities. Probably because they also saw a 5% decrease in beer sales. The study analyzed 13 states that have passed laws allowing marijuana for medical use. I’ve never understood why of all drugs, marijuana was banned […]


What Juries Need to Know About Saying No

I just wanted to take a minute at the start of a new year to remind everyone about Jury Nullification. If you are ever on a jury, no court, judge, or even defense lawyer will ever tell you about your constitutional right to Just Say No. That’s right. If you are a juror for someone […]


Newtonian Morality

See, when I smoked pot it was illegal, but not immoral. Now, it is illegal AND immoral. The law didn’t change, only the morality… That’s why you get to go to jail and I don’t. – Newt Gingrich in 1996. In 1997 Gingrich proposed a law that would invoke the death penalty for possession of […]


A Majority of Americans Favor Legalizing Marijuana

For the first time since Gallup started asking Americans if marijuana should be legal, 50% say yes, while 46% say no. In addition, support for legalizing marijuana is directly and inversely proportional to age. Among 18 to 29 year olds, the percent who want it to be legal is 62%. For those 30 to 49 […]


Even more reasons to end the “war” on drugs

A NYPD narcotics detective has testified in federal court that it is common practice to fabricate drug charges against innocent people in order to meet their arrest quotas. “It was something I was seeing a lot of, whether it was from supervisors or undercovers and even investigators.” When asked by the judge whether he was […]


One War that has been Drug-Out

Obama famously said that he wasn’t against all wars, just stupid wars. Well, we have a war we have been fighting since the 60’s that is pretty stupid: the War on Drugs. Hah, you might say, that’s not a real war, like Iraq or Afghanistan. And yet, the War on Drugs has had far more […]


Getting High is Solution for Global Warming

The new president of the Marshall Islands has a problem on his hands. The rising global temperature is causing sea levels to rise, which threatens to obliterate his country. Which is a real downer. His solution is unorthodox. By executive order, he has legalized the use of cocaine, “the real thing, uncut and pure, the […]


Pat Robertson wants to legalize marijuana?

Will wonders never cease? It has been a crazy week, what with Obama somehow talking the Republicans into going along with repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, ratifying the new START treaty, and dropping their filibuster to 9/11 first responder health benefits at the end of the lame duck session. But now arch-conservative founder of the […]


Surveys never lie, but liars always survey

The Associated Press and CNBC jointly released a new poll about American attitudes toward marijuana under the headline “Legalization: More Americans Say ‘No’”. Now, reading this, you might think that the majority of Americans are against legalizing marijuana, but this is a textbook example of how you can skew survey results by cunning choice of […]
