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Tag Archives: Corporations

Who pays for all that corporate “free speech”?

Now that corporate spending to influence lawmakers has been declared to be protected free speech, who is going to end up paying for all those expensive ads and lobbyists, not to mention the cost of buying up the media so we never hear about it? © Paul Fell


Things you can do about today’s Supreme Court decision

Upset about this morning’s Supreme Court decision? Want to do something about it? The website Move to Amend wants to amend the constitution to: Firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights. Guarantee the right to vote and to participate, and to have our […]



© Jim Morin Given today’s Supreme Court ruling, this comic from a few days ago seems prescient.


Industry, heal thyself!

This is what happens when large corporations try to regulate themselves. The “Smart Choices” program, which was supposed to label healthy, nutritional food with a large green checkmark, is being shut down. The logo began appearing on food this summer, after two years of development by many of the country’s largest food manufacturers. But doubts […]


Corporate Offense

© Tom Toles


Stephen Colbert explains corporate personhood

Stephen Colbert has gone where no pundit has dared go before — talking truth to the power of corporations. He discussed corporate personhood and the upcoming Supreme Court decision that might put the final nail in the coffin of free elections by giving corporations more free speech rights than actual (human) people. What, you haven’t […]
