© Ruben Bolling I’m not sure when people started treating the end of a company as if it were the death of a friend. The “Hostess” brand, along with Twinkies and the rest of their brands, has likely been passed from company to parent company without you even noticing it. I’m sure some other company […]
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© Jim Morin I hope that people don’t forget about reversing the Citizens United decision just because Obama won the election despite overwhelming corporate spending to defeat him. As Jen Sorensen put it: Yes, we beat the Koch Brothers and Adelson and corporate dark money this time. But really, this race should not have been […]
Thursday, September 6, 2012
According to new research, the world’s super-rich are taking advantage of offshore tax havens to the tune of between $21 to $32 trillion dollars. Yes, trillion. To put that in perspective, that’s more money hidden abroad than in the entire American economy. This is a double whammy to economic growth and recovery. Not only does […]
© Ruben Bolling You may think this is silly, but other than the part about incorporating after the fact, this is pretty much true. Corporations are able to get away with murder and other crimes that would send real people to jail.
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© Tom Tomorrow The ironic thing about all this is that we’ve had this fight before. The American Revolution was as much a fight against the original multinational corporations as it was against the British government. After all, one of the most famous events in the run up to the revolution was the Boston Tea […]
Last year, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker became notorious for stripping public workers of their right to collective bargaining. But last week, a federal judge reversed the key provisions of that law. What makes this ironic is that the judge repeatedly cited the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, saying that Walker’s law violated the free speech […]
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Matthew Spaccarelli was upset about the fact that AT&T guaranteed him “unlimited” bandwidth on his iPhone, but then slowed down (in their terms, throttled) his service. So he sued in small claims court, and won. Score one for the little guy. What happened next is interesting. AT&T said they would appeal, and sent him a […]
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© Jen Sorensen Commentary by Jen Sorensen: I spent way too much time last weekend reading about pink slime. I really wanted to get to the bottom of the slimebucket, if you will. This particular controversy has been burbling (and oozing and gurgling) ever since celebrity chef Jamie Oliver did a segment trashing the stuff […]
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Many conservatives want to lower corporate taxes, claiming that our corporate tax rate is too high. But that’s just the statutory rate, before companies take advantage of various tax breaks. In fact, a new study of 280 corporations in the Fortune 500 shows that the average tax rate they paid was 18.5%, just over half […]
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Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Bank of America has announced that it has changed its mind and will not start charging customers $5 a month for using their debit cards. Other banks have dropped similar fees as well. Of course, I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop and for them to announce other fees instead.
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Friday, September 30, 2011
© Matt Bors Like someone said recently, I’ll start believing in corporate personhood when we start executing corporations for their crimes.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
I refuse to believe corporations are people … until Texas executes one! – bumper sticker
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Thursday, September 22, 2011
If anyone doubts that corporations control our media — either on purpose or by neglect — Keith Olbermann points out the hypocrisy of the almost complete lack of coverage of the “Occupy Wall Street” protests. These protests have been going on in New York, and yet even the local newspapers (including the New York Times) […]
© Ruben Bolling If corporations are people, then why do some people argue that taxing corporations is “double taxation”? Doesn’t that mean that corporations are not people? And why aren’t corporations bound by the same political contribution limits as actual people? Silly me, I guess what the Supreme Court meant is that corporations have all […]
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A mystery corporation was formed in March. Six weeks later it made a $1 million donation to the campaign of Mitt Romney, through Romney’s Super PAC called “Restore Our Future”. The corporation was then dissolved on July 12. There are no public records giving any hint of who owned the corporation. There is no address, […]