I was pleasantly surprised by Elizabeth Warren’s policy announcement. Yes, I know that this was done in the context of announcing her formation of an presidential exploratory committee, but let’s ignore for a moment whether or not she would make a good president (I’ve seen more than enough of that, given that it mostly consists […]
Friday, December 18, 2015
Price of life-saving drug Daraprim before Martin Shkreli’s company bought the rights to it: $18. Price to which he raised it: $750 per pill. Image of Shkreli being led off in handcuffs after being arrested for securities and wire fraud: Priceless.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
© Ruben Bolling This comic is brilliant. And it doesn’t even mention the military propaganda pre-game shows that are paid for by the military using your tax dollars. Or the sports stadiums that are heavily subsidized by local governments (when those same local governments were broke). It also doesn’t mention that conservatives seem to love […]
© Ruben Bolling I know I’ve already pointed out the hypocrisy of Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia but this comic was just too funny. I think I have a new theory. Maybe the conservative justices are just treating the Constitution like the Bible. After all, you can justify almost any behavior by selectively picking verses […]
© Ruben Bolling The Supreme Court makes Pinocchio due for a rewrite, now that the easiest way to create a real person is to incorporate. Of course, in the fairy tale, greedy and bad boys are turned into donkeys on Pleasure Island. Too bad that doesn’t happen in real life, or we would have a […]
You can’t get a much better example of why American business sucks. Forbes magazine just published an article “5 Reasons Why You Should Admire Comcast“. If I didn’t know better, I would think it was satire, but it isn’t. First, the article is so full of misinformation it isn’t even funny. Like one of their […]
© Ruben Bolling You have to have faith in the holy trinity of CEO, board of directors, and shareholders. Our CEO who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy customers come, thy will be done, in the sales room, as it is in the board room. Give us this day our daily tax break, […]
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© Tom Tomorrow I love Tom Tomorrow’s ability to point out the ridiculous nature of our situation. Just why is it that corporation that (may or may not) employ us are responsible for our health? And how do these corporations hold religious beliefs? And how the Supreme Court can use legal phrases like “sincerely held […]
From Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s (blistering) dissent to the Supreme Court’s ruling allowing certain employers to violate the law by not providing contraception as part of their health insurance: Approving some religious claims while deeming others unworthy of accommodation could be ‘perceived as favoring one religion over another,’ the very ‘risk the [Constitution’s] Establishment Clause […]
A new university study finds that a high CEO compensation actually correlates with worse financial performance for their company. In plain words, not only do these high-priced CEOs cost more (in salary and other compensation), they also cost their companies in other ways, including lower stock price and lower profitability. In fact, CEOs with an […]
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© Jen Sorensen I have never understood why some companies treat talking to other employees about salaries as a firing offense. Seriously? Do they really have that little faith in their employees? I’ve run a number of companies, and we always treated everyone’s salary as public information (at least internally), so everyone understood everyone’s compensation. […]
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Corporations have definitely become the new aristocracy. They have more rights than actual, real people, but are amazingly exempt from many laws. And yet they keep violating the law and largely getting away with it, with at most paying a fine that is often less than they amount of money they made from breaking the […]
Thursday, February 28, 2013
“I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” – Thomas J Watson, Chairman and CEO of IBM, in 1943. “We’re in the business of delivering what consumers want, and to stay a little ahead of what we think they will want. We just don’t see the need of delivering that to consumers.” […]
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Friday, February 15, 2013
If you are tired of your choices of internet providers and want something faster, you are probably tired of waiting for some huge telecom company to install something faster, since they are perfectly happy making money off their old, slow connections. But a group of rural farmers in England took matters into their own hands, […]
A man in California has been driving in carpool lanes by himself on purpose, hoping to get a ticket. Why? He had with him the incorporation papers for his company and wants to try a novel defense in court: because California motor vehicle law recognizes corporations as people, he claims that he did indeed have […]
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