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Tag Archives: Conservatives

Conservatism and Stupidity

From a new study: Conservatism and cognitive ability are negatively correlated. The evidence is based on 1254 community college students and 1600 foreign students seeking entry to United States’ universities. At the individual level of analysis, conservatism scores correlate negatively with SAT, Vocabulary, and Analogy test scores. At the national level of analysis, conservatism scores […]


The Irony of Satire

I am not making this up! “The Irony of Satire” is the actual name of a study done at Ohio State University on “biased message processing of political satire in The Colbert Report”. The study compared conservatives and liberals, and how they reacted to Stephen Colbert. Interestingly, both groups thought that Colbert was funny. But […]


Conservatives Reject Moral Equivalency

Jon Swift has an excellent column that explains something that has baffled liberals for a long time — why is it that when a liberal does something that is attacked as bad, a conservative can do exactly the same thing, but it is OK? The example du jour is Bristol Palin, who is now officially […]


Big Bedfellows, Indeed.

As noticed by the blog Sadly, No, the conservative websites National Review Online and Town Hall both have published articles containing identical words (attacking Obama, naturally), although attributed to two different authors (Jonah Goldberg in the case of NRO, and Kathryn Jean Lopez in the case of Town Hall). It has been obvious for a […]


The Great Irony

Quotes from the annual conservative CPAC conference in Washington: From Newt Gingrich: The great irony of where we are today is that we had a Bush-Obama big-spending program that was bipartisan in its nature. … We got big spending under Bush, now we’ve got big spending under Obama. Saul Anuzis (who campaigned for the chairmanship of […]


The Conservative Bailout

© Lisa Benson


Conservative Horror Comics

© Brian McFadden
