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Tag Archives: Conservatives

Conservatives Remaking God In Their Own Image

Conservatives Republicans have decided that the world must be remade to match their ideology. First they proposed a “purity test” — a ten-point checklist of conservative positions. In order for a candidate to receive funding from the national Republican Party, they must be able to prove that they support at least eight items on the […]


Right or Wrong?

Two days ago, conservative blogger Charles Johnson posted “Why I Parted Ways With The Right” — a concise explanation of why he “won’t be going over the cliff” with the American right-wing-nuts. He names names, including a list of fascists, racists, bigots, white supremacists, homophobes, misogynists, anti-science luddites, anti-govermnent lunatics, conspiracy theorists, and promoters of […]


Terrorists Cannot Be Brought to Justice?

© Tom Tomorrow


Another Failure

© Mike Luckovich


The conservative movement has the emotional maturity of a bratty 13 year old

Republicans are fond of claiming that they have nothing against Obama personally (what, me racist?), it is just they don’t like his policies. So it is interesting to see that the right can’t contain their glee that Obama failed to get the 2016 Olympics in Chicago: The newsroom of the Weekly Standard burst into applause. […]


Lifestyles of the White and Suggestible

Video from the 9/12 tea party in Washington: Even more stunning video: UPDATE: I find it amazing to watch these videos. I mean, these people went to a lot of trouble to go protest, so I don’t doubt that they feel strongly. But when you ask them the simplest questions they seem to have little […]


Reality still has a liberal bias and Matt Kibbe has a unit problem

Conservatives lost no time trumpeting the huge crowds they attracted for the “tea party” protest on 12 September. While most estimates were in the “thousands” or “tens of thousands”, conservatives were claiming as many as 2 million protestors, based on a photo (shown at right) published by the conservative “Say Anything” blog. One conservative blogger […]


GOP attacks are hurting conservatives in the UK

With the UK economy in shambles, everyone expected the Labour Party, headed by Prime Minister Gordon Brown, to be defeated soundly in the next elections there. However, US Republican Party attacks on the British National Health Service as part of their campaign to discredit US health care reform are receiving wide coverage there and are […]



© Tom Tomorrow


There’s stupid and there’s right-wing nutcase stupid

Hal Turner is a white nationalist who promotes (among other things) the rounding up and killing of Jews. He also worked for Pat Buchanan’s presidential campaign, served as campaign manager for libertarian party candidate Murray Sabrin, and was even a friend of Sean Hannity (even though Sean later tried to deny it). He also runs […]


Your Country for Sale

Two stories today make it clear that, in the words Paul Krugman in the NY Times: I don’t think many people grasp just how raw, how explicit, the corruption of our institutions has become. The first story is about the American Conservative Union, who claim to be the “nation’s largest and oldest conservative grassroots lobby.” […]


Gay Conservative Quotes

Conservative New York Times columnist David Brooks, who is not gay: You know, all three of us spend a lot of time covering politicians and they’re all emotional freaks. They’re guaranteed to invade your personal space, touch you. I sat next to a Republican senator once at dinner and he had his hand on my […]


You might be a conservative, if…

First there was that study that showed a correlation between being a conservative and low intelligence. Now this: Are you very bothered by the sight of a cockroach, the smell of urine, coming into contact with a toilet seat in a public restroom, or accidentally drinking from a stranger’s soda can? If so, then you’re […]


The RightWingOverse Part II

© Tom Tomorrow See also The RightWingOverse, part 1.


Conservatives decide they haven’t been obnoxious enough

Quotes from conservative G. Gordon Liddy on his radio show: I understand that they found out today that Miss Sotomayor is a member of La Raza, which means in illegal alien, “the race.” And that should not surprise anyone because she’s already on record with a number of racist comments. And, as if calling the […]
